

在考虑市场营销的过程中,是非常重要的考虑一个组织的市场营销组合,不论他们的类型,大小和功能。因此,宝马的品牌也不是孤立的营销组合(推断,2007)。营销组合在决策的过程中起着重要作用。市场营销涉及到4 ps。




In consideration with the process of marketing, it is extremely important to consider the marketing mix of an organization, irrespective of their type, size and features. Hence, the brand of BMW shall also not be isolating the marketing mix (Yoram, 2007). The marketing mix plays a significant role within the process of decision making. The marketing involves the 4Ps.

The first P is referred to as the Product that contributes in providing customers with the detail regarding the description of a particular product and how it shall be meeting the requirements of the customer. As an example, BMW X3 and the models of BMW X5 that are being offered by BMW have been passing the stages within the life cycle of product that contributes in the determination of maturity and age with respect to the product that is within the market (Ghemawat, 2004). The development of the products is done ensuring the constant level of income and several replacement products are also developed by the organization on the basis of consistency with respect to initiating settlements in a fair manner.

The second P is referred to as the Price of the cars of BMW that vary being dependent upon the customer of the model that has been demanded such as the sports cars that have a high price. The size of the engine also contributes in the determination of the price that shall be carried out by the product (Ettlie, 2011). The pricing done by the brand of BMW for its products such as BMW X3 is oriented by competition and the price carried is same for the similar brands as the market is extremely large in size and the main motive is not the generation of large amount of profits in comparison with the fact that the small manufacturers create the main focus on this particular point.
