


抽取,亡国,与北美洲土著人口监禁被保留做的。他们的土地征用和他们生活的破碎是由美国政府的政策(nerbern 24)。到1870年,印度的情况处于一个低的撤退。在内战的兴起中,美国坚决地控制着印度的自决、文化和生活.。这导致印第安人被从一个地方驱赶到另一个地方,那里的大多数人失去了他们的传统土地,遭受了疾病和饥饿.。



起源于在派尤特印第安人发现的运动。他名叫沃沃卡,声称自己是谁来到地球准备期拯救印第安人的弥赛亚(nerbern 24)。鬼的舞蹈视觉关注更新的地球重新派尤特人祖先的精神在当代的时间帮助他们。沃沃卡跳舞在圆周运动诱导宗教狂喜的状态。通过表演圆形舞蹈,他声称看到基督接近地球拯救印第安人,并警告白人男子的邪恶行为。在宗教的某些方面有变化,但包括基督教教义。


The Movement of Ghost Dance has been considered as a manifestation of anger, fear and hope possessed by Native Americans. The feelings were regarding the assault of the US legislative oppression, US Army brutalization, and white invaders against the indigenous nations. The term Ghost Dance was applied by the Plain Indians to the fresh ritual, Paiutes. However, later on it leaped and was simply known by the traditional term, Round Dance.

Decimation, subjugation, and imprisonment of indigenous population of North America were being done on terms of reservations. Confiscation of their lands and crushing of their lives was being done by the policies of US government (Nerbern 24). By the year 1870, circumstances of India were at a low retreat. In the rise of Civil War, the United States was resolutely fighting for controlling Indian self-determination, culture, and life. This resulted in Indians being driven from one place to another in which most of the population lost their traditional lands and suffered from diseases and starvation.

All hopes were gone to defeat the military of United States, poverty was endless, and assimilating into the dominating culture was a policy formulated by federal government. By the year 1890, conditions turned out to be so critical that the situation was tender for starting a major movement in India.

In such a situation, the religion of Ghost Dance was known to be the only solution for the subjugating behavior of the US Government on Native Americans (Mooney 21). It was an attempt for revitalizing traditional culture and for finding a way to deal with the increased level of diseases, hunger, and poverty. All these problems represented the life of reservation that Native Americans were living in the respective century.

The origin was found in the movement within Paiute Indian. He was named Wovoka and claimed himself to be the messiah who came to earth for preparing Indians for their period of salvation (Nerbern 24). The vision of the Ghost Dance was concerned with renewal of earth and reintroducing the spirits of Paiute ancestors within the contemporary time for helping them. Wovoka danced in circular motion inducing the condition of religious ecstasy. By performing the circular dance, he claimed to see Christ approaching earth to save the Native Americans and warned the evil acts performed by white men. There were variations in certain aspects of the religion, but consisted most of Christian doctrine.
