

所有的社会、政治和经济科学主流假设,有利于文化发展所产生的“国家财富”的基础上,和许多社会科学专家也开始接受并以欧洲为中心的世界经济[ Christopher Chase Dunn和Peter Grimes人的增强交互传播国家发展和理解它的思想(1995)社会学年度评论21卷,387-417 ]。现在已经取代了经济发展的测量作为一个工具来定义一个成功的国家或发达国家。核心国家利用其自然资源以换取资本需求而过度利用贫穷国家的想法在当今世界的许多地方甚至可以看到。例如,一个富有的国家可以很容易地规定它的条款,同时帮助穷人,不幸的是,贫穷的国家将不得不同意有时需要资金来帮助他们的公民。这是因为当这个贫穷的国家需要发展的资金来发展当地的经济和提供基本的必需品,而这些都是以成本投入为代价的。这个费用是由那些提供资金的富裕国家提供的,他们还可以签订协议,利用当地的自然资源或生产产品,并在利润最大的国家销售。这些和其他的情况迫使贫穷国家同意来自富裕国家的条款和条件,他们失去了他们的资源和被剥削的大部分时间。由于世界人口的快速增长,工业和技术领域的全球增长压力,导致了这些发展的大部分。这引起了各国在自然资源、技术人才、智力资本、技术发明和专利、大规模生产能力、建筑质量产品以及应对全球市场需求方面的内在力量。这些导致他们自己的长处和弱点,它成为一个简洁的清单,他们有丰富的,什么是主要赤字。这是一个很可能没有丰富的需要从其他地方进口,而出口的国家,那里是一个严重的产品缺陷,并在缺陷一被允许进入该国较低的监管障碍,容易入口进入市场并在东道国建立一。


The mainstream assumption of all social, political, and economic science favours cultural development as the basis of the generated ‘wealth of nations’, and many social science experts did come to accept and spread the idea of national development and understanding it by the enhanced interactions of people with a European-centered world economy[Christopher Chase-Dunn and Peter Grimes (1995) Annual Review of Sociology Volume 21, 387-417]. This has now been replaced with the measuring of economic development as a tool to define a successful country or a developed country. The idea of core countries taking undue advantage of the poorer country by using their natural resources in exchange of their need for capital is even today seen in many parts of the world. For example, a rich country can easily dictate its terms while aiding a poor one, and unfortunately the poor country would have to agree sometimes for immediate need of capital to help their citizens. This is because when the poor country is in need of funds for development to grow its local economy and provide basic necessities which comes at a cost input. This cost is being provided by the rich countries who provide funds and in return make agreements to use their natural resources or manufacture products locally and sell them in countries which have the maximum margins. These and other situations forces poor countries to agree to terms and conditions coming from rich countries and they lose their resources and get exploited most of the times. Much of these developments that has its rise were due to a global pressure of growth in industrial and technological sector due to rapid growth in world population. This gave rise to all countries searching for their inherent strength in natural resources, skill workforce, intellectual capital, technological inventions and patents, mass production capabilities, building quality products and answering the need of the global market. These led to find their own strengths and weaknesses and it became a concise list of what they had in abundance and what were the primary deficits. The one which were in abundance were probably not needed to be imported from elsewhere but rather exported to countries where there was a severe deficit of those products, and the one which were in deficit were allowed easy entry into the country with low regulatory hurdles to enter the market and build one in the host country.
