

海关当局和边境管制的洗钱和腐败已被确定为相当普遍的现象。企业的全球化可以通过在整个供应和分销链上建立网络来实现。跨国公司被认为对经销商和供应的腐败活动负有越来越大的责任。总的来说,可以说腐败给国际贸易带来了巨大的成本(Goldby 2009)。在当今时代,洗钱已成为一个至关重要的问题,似乎做得成功,它使自己能够消除或避免犯罪活动的基础上,帮助产生利润,进一步增加了起诉主要组织者的难度。洗钱存在着一些风险,影响着国际组织在当前全球化时代的全面成功和发展。

洗钱活动可以发生在世界上任何时间和任何地点,人们最终可以通过非法或犯罪来源赚钱,如有组织犯罪、金融欺诈、武装交易、毒品贩运和腐败(Goldby 2009)。然而,一般来说,洗钱者选择在立法和监管薄弱的国家之间开展业务,以便发现洗钱活动。这是由于国际经济的相互联系,洗钱已被确定为一个主要的国际问题,其次是国际合作来解决这个问题是极其重要的(Araujo 2010)。世界银行、国际货币基金组织和金融情报机构等一些重要的国际和区域组织和机构一直在按照资助恐怖主义的方式为国际努力提供支持和贡献。这一国际努力帮助包括一些国家在内的一些国家打击恐怖主义融资,并根据恐怖主义融资和洗钱问题制定一项综合一致的办法。

尽管几乎不可能精确地衡量洗钱,但据估计,除了逃税,每年有3000亿至6000亿美元的严重犯罪被洗钱(Goldby 2009)。在主要的金融市场中,为发现和起诉洗钱而采取的措施是促使洗钱在与全球金融体系相联系的发达市场中传播较少的因素。政府为打击洗钱问题所作的一系列努力自过去15年以来一直得到确认。在国际一级处理这一问题的主要协定包括《联合国禁止非法贩运精神药物和麻醉药品维也纳公约》和《1990年欧洲理事会关于洗钱和没收、没收和搜查犯罪收益的公约》。金融机构作为巴塞尔银行监管委员会(Basle Committee on Supervision in Banking)、国际证券委员会(International Entity of Securities Commission)和欧洲联盟(Union of Europe, Araujo 2010)宣布成立的主体,在预防和发现洗钱方面也发挥着至关重要的作用。

尽管国际社会为打击洗钱问题作出了许多努力,但恐怖主义资助者和洗钱者利用几个共同的途径转移和隐藏资金,并对金融体系构成相互威胁。在这方面,可以指出,制定打击洗钱的战略可以适用于打击恐怖主义融资。在这方面,国际社会对洗钱和腐败的反应具有重大意义(Goldby 2009)。但是,必须鼓励大量的市场和发展中经济体防止和制止为恐怖主义行为提供的财政援助,并进一步将资助恐怖主义定为犯罪行为,最后冻结恐怖主义分子的资产。因此,可以得出结论,目前的国际努力是不够的,因为仍然需要进行重大的国际协调。

案例研究代写 :国际商业中洗钱的风险评估

Money laundering and corruption in customs authorities and border control has been identified as considerably common. Globalization of business can be accomplished by elaborating networks across the chain of supply and distribution, and at an increased rate, MNC are deemed to be responsible for activities of corruption over the distributors and the supply. Overall, it can be stated that corruption brings in major cost for the international business (Goldby 2009). In the current era, money laundering has ended up becoming a crucial issues as if done successful, it enables the removal or avoidance of themselves from crime- based activities help in the generation of profits that further increases the difficulty for prosecution of main organizers. There are a number of risks involved in money laundering, affecting the overall success and growth of international organization in the current era of globalization.
The activity of money laundering can take place any time and any place throughout the world in which people can end up making money out of illegal or criminal sources like organized crime, financial fraud, armed dealing, drug trafficking and corruption(Goldby 2009). However, in general, money launderers make the choice of operating across countries having weak legislations and regulations in order to detect the activities of money laundering. It is because of the interconnected attributeof the international economy as of which money laundering has been identified as a major international issue, followed by which international cooperation to tackle this issue is extremely important(Araujo 2010). A number of important international and regional organizations and bodies have been giving support and contribution in international efforts in accordance with the financing of terrorist, such as World Bank, IMF, and Financial Intelligence Units. This international push has helped in including a number of nations to fight against financing of terrorist and for developing an integrated and consistent approach in accordance with terrorism financing and money laundering.
Even though, it is almost impossible for measuring money laundering in a precise manner, it has been estimated that 300 billion dollars to 600 billion dollars in proceeding serious crime, other than evasion of tax, is laundered on yearly basis(Goldby 2009). Measures in major markets of finance for detecting and prosecuting laundering are factors triggering it to spread less across developed market in link with the global system of finance. A number of efforts are concert by the government for fighting the issue of money laundering has been identified as continuous since the last 15 years. The key agreements at international level that address the issue include the Vienna Convention of United Nations against Illicit Traffic in Psychotropic Substances and Narcotic Drugs, and the Council of Europe Convention over Laundering for the year 1990, and Confiscation, seizure and search for proceeds of crime. Financial institution also play a crucial role in the –prevention and detection of money laundering, as a subject for pronouncing the Basle Committee on Supervision in Banking, International Entity of Securities Commission, and the Union of Europe (Araujo 2010).
Even though a number of international efforts have been put in for countering the issue of money laundering, several common avenues are used by terrorist financers and launderers to move and hide money and representing mutual threats to the system of finance. In this context, it can be stated that placement of strategies for fighting against money laundering can be applicable to fight financing by terrorist. With respect to this, the international response of money laundering and corruption is of huge significance (Goldby 2009). However, a large number of markets and developing economies must be encouraged for the prevention and suppression of financial assistance for acts of terrorism, and for further criminalizing financing of terrorist and finally for freezing assets of the terrorist. Hence, it can be concluded that the current international efforts are not sufficient as there is still a significant need of international coordination.
