

约翰逊,伟达,液相外延,构建预防能力和可持续创新:可持续性规划模型,评估和规划计划27(2004)135 – 149猎人,D.E.K.使用变化的一种理论方法,构建组织力量,能力和可持续性与非营利组织在人类服务部门,评估和规划计划29(2),193 – 193页。通过阅读这两个高级管理层能够明白为什么这是需要自己的organization.1 SOS。考虑你的案例研究公司。下列哪个课程的行动时,你会推荐开发可持续性操作系统(SOS)?(我)利用SOS标准附录3中描述的“布莱克本”(提标准,你选择)(ii)开发自己定制的SOS标准,如“布莱克本”(iii)不进行SOS。证明你choice.1。五个最大的挑战是什么,在你看来,对于一个公司是要进行紧急求救信号?证明您的选择。有许多挑战组织承办SOS公司如下。SOS的成功取决于多种因素,包括员工在整个组织的支持水平。高级管理人员必须保持承诺,为可持续发展提供足够的资源和人员计划。员工必须致力于履行职责的方式支持SOS的要求。故障在这些水平可以终结操作系统的可持续性。

Johnson, Knowlton, et.al, Building Capacity and Sustainable Prevention Innovations: A Sustainability Planning Model, Evaluation and Program Planning 27 (2004) 135–149 Hunter, D.E.K., Using a Theory of Change Approach to Build Organizational Strength, Capacity and Sustainability with Not-For-Profit Organizations in the Human Services Sector, Evaluation and Program Planning 29 (2), pp. 193-200.By these two reading the senior management will be able to understand why this SOS is need for their own organization.1. Consider your Case Study Company. Which of the following courses of action would you recommend when they develop a Sustainability Operating System (SOS)? (i) Utilize one of the SOS Standards described in Appendix 3 of “Blackburn” (mention which standard that you chose) (ii) Develop your own customized SOS standard, as described in “Blackburn” (iii) do not proceed with the SOS. Justify your choice.1. What are the five greatest challenges, in your opinion, for a company that is about to undertake an SOS? Justify your selections.There are many challenges for the organization to undertake SOS for the company as follows. The success of the SOS depends on a variety of factors, including the level of buy-in from employees throughout the organization. Senior management must maintain a commitment to provide sufficient resources and personnel for sustainability initiatives. Employees must be committed to carrying out their duties in a manner that supports the requirements of the SOS. Breakdowns within either of these levels can spell the end of the Sustainability Operating System.