

本篇文章讲的是艺术和中产阶级化,访谈是用一个有趣的在线id TAKI 183创建的。在谈话中,他谈到了其他媒体的影响,比如大卫·哈塞尔霍夫的歌曲巡演和在柏林墙的表演。这也让人们对这个地方的问题有了更多的认识。从这个过程中,我们获得了许多深刻的见解。人们发现,柏林华尔街艺术对人们有着特殊的意义。它也有丰富的历史,可以告诉游客。这堵墙的很多方面都代表着个人主义,同时也在嘲笑这个地方的压迫的同时颂扬人性。本篇奥克兰论文代写文章由新西兰第一论文Assignment First辅导网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Interview was created with an interesting online id TAKI 183. In the transcript, he discussed about how other media influences such as David Hasselholf song tour and performance at the Berlin wall was mentioned. This also led to more awareness of the issues surrounding the place. Many insights were gained from this process. It has been found that the Berlin Wall Street art has special significance to the people. It also has a rich history that can be told to the tourists. There are many aspects of this wall that stood for individualism and also celebrated humanity while mocking the oppression of the place.
For this, there was not one media tool that has been used by the people. A number of media tools such as art, music were used to elucidate the political ideologies and elucidation of the place.Gentrification is a process that has been followed in the urban neighbourhoods. This is to increase the value of the property and ensure that there is holistic growth in the societies. The lower-income families are moved to richer neighbourhoods. This leads to increase in the property values of the lower income neighbourhood and efficient sharing of the resources are followed by the communities (Street, 1997). It has been considered that this gentrification process enables correction in the societies and leads to more growth and productivity. This process of gentrification has lead to growth and productivity in the countries and also been successful in many arenas. There are also certain inherent vulnerabilities in this process.
There is crisis in Eastern Europe and high levels of refugee crisis in central Europe. These issues of refugees have seen to be pervading throughout the Europe. The issues of refugees in the communities have lead to increase in gentrification ideals. But there are strict policies to aid refugees from other countries. There is substantial amount of money donated to the refugees, and the gentrification ideology however has not spread. It has been observed that Berlin in general is a rich city when compared to some European cities from Lithuania and Latvia.
Interview with the participant has revealed that they believed that the economy was not developing owing to the high levels of refugees’ influx into the nation. They believed by adopting a more protectionist policy there will be better development and growth in the nation. These views were echoed by the participant. In accordance with this ideology, more researches about refugees and refugees’ camp in the region were probed.
