

提姆·科斯特洛(Tim Costello)来自浸信会家庭,他更倾向于宗教信仰,更倾向于平等、人道、社会主义和共产主义,把每个人都看作一个单一的社区,尽管在目前的情况下存在着明显和显著的差异。他是一个乐观主义者,相信与世界各地的重要领导人建立长期持久的关系,主要是那些思想和信仰与世界愿景一致、相信平等和人性的领导人(Saini, 2015)。科斯特洛采用了“基于价值的理论”,即在大量战略行动的基础上定义价值。这表明,他所思考、考虑、制定和实施的一切,在很大程度上取决于他所拥有的定义价值,以及这些价值是否与他所服务的组织的价值相一致。他还展示了“负责任的领导”,通过表达专注,让我们的注意力成为有意义的动物,而不是把人类作为满足一些非物质目的的手段(曼宁,2003)。例如,当他在2015年的秘会上遇到澳大利亚的商业领袖和有抱负的领袖时,他建议他们不要成为毫无意义的动物,专注于经济价值最大化、利润最大化、快乐最大化和痛苦最小化(, 2016)。这表明他对当前经济状况的关注,以及整个经济运行的心态,即利用人作为达到目的的手段,尽管是物质上的。

assignment代写 :蒂姆·科斯特洛的领导方法

他负责任的领导和基于价值的领导理论的另一个例子是他与内部人力资源主管的敬业精神,目标是积累来自世界组织和个人的慈善基金(Inside HR, 2015)。这需要很大的耐心和谈判能力,蒂姆必须处理棘手的问题,并充满信心地回答。这一合作是成功的,因为他已经获得了来自世界各地和澳大利亚组织的大量慈善基金。这篇文章阐述了他以价值观为基础的领导实践,他相信通过与全球一级的捐助者联系来创造价值,并让他们参与所有的部署工作,使这些投资的资金得到充分利用。

assignment代写 :蒂姆·科斯特洛的领导方法

Tim Costello, coming from a Baptist background is more religiously inclined and more inclined toward equality, humanity, socialism, communism, and regarding everyone as one single community, though there are visible and significant differences in the current state of affairs. He is an optimist and believes in building long lasting relationships with important leaders across the world, mostly those whose thinking and beliefs are aligned with that of World Vision and who believes in equality and humanity (Saini, 2015). Costello undertakes the ‘value-based theory’ that comes with defining values underneath a large pile of strategic actions. This indicates that everything that is thought, pondered, strategized, and enacted depends largely on the defining values he has and whether the values also coincide with those of the organizations he serves. He also showcases ‘responsible leadership’ by being expressively focused and bringing our attention to become meaningful animals and not to use humans as a means for meeting some immaterial ends (Manning, 2003). For example, when he met Australian business leaders and aspiring leaders in 2015 conclave, he suggested them not becoming meaningless animals and focus on economic value maximizing, maximizing profits, maximizing pleasure, and minimizing pain (, 2016). This indicates his concern over the current economic condition and the mind-set on which the entire economy operates that is to use human as means for meeting ends, though material.

assignment代写 :蒂姆·科斯特洛的领导方法

Another example of his responsible leadership and value based leadership theory is his engagement drive with his internal HR head that targets accumulation of charitable funds from world organizations and individuals (Inside HR, 2015). This requires a lot of patience and negotiating abilities where Tim has to deal with tough questions and answer them with full confidence. This engagement is successful as he has been able to garner significant charity funds from world over, and from Australian organizations. This elaborates his values based leadership practice where he believes in building value by associating with donors at a global level and also involve them in all deployment exercises and effecting the perfect utilization of these funds so invested.
