





assignment代寫 :乳制品行業供應鏈中的各種參與者

批發商/進口商/出口商-他們是供應鏈的第三個成員,其角色是從制造商購買成品乳制品,然後將其出售給供應鏈的下一個成員。他們可以是當地市場的批發商或出口目的的出口商或進口商,即直接出口產品的制造商(Nicholson & Stephenson, 2014)。



assignment代寫 :乳制品行業供應鏈中的各種參與者

During the analysis of dairy industry, we have analysed various players in the supply chain. There are mainly 5 players or 5 major contributors in supply chain management of the dairy industry or sector. Each player or element has its own role to play and organisation or farmer having dairy business has to manage all the five players or elements. Following are five elements or players in the dairy industry:
Breeders or growers or grower associations- These are base or primary player in the supply chain in dairy business or sector.
Manufacturer- Once product has grown by breeder or by grower then they sell such grown products to manufacturer. For manufacturer purchases these grown units as raw material for processing. Manufacturers are major player in the supply chain management since they are base for further members of supply chain in dairy business or sector.

assignment代寫 :乳制品行業供應鏈中的各種參與者

Wholesaler/ Importer/ Exporter- They are third member of supply chain whose role is to purchase finished dairy products from manufacturer, and then sold it to next member of supply chain. They can be wholesaler for local market or exporter for export purpose or importer i.e. manufacturer directly exporting products (Nicholson & Stephenson, 2014).
Retailers- These are almost last member of supply chain in the dairy business or sector. They purchase dairy product from wholesaler for some monetary consideration with reselling motive.
Catering Firms- These are firms involve in food business and requires dairy products in order to provide services to their clients. In some cases, catering firms also form part of supply chain in dairy industry.