


高度定制化的产品需求的出现迫使生产单元变得更加敏捷,而敏捷制造的愿望背后的主要驱动力是外部变化,它要求单元内部发生变化,并立即与市场需求保持一致。因此,工业4.0系统机制的发明,不仅有助于应对当前市场需求的快速变化,更有助于公司在定制化制造的快速生产中获得优秀的学习经验。此外,它还有助于消除各种各样的浪费,或找到一种创新的方式,通过概念化的副产品,将浪费货币化。全面质量管理(TQM)的使用在90年代达到了顶峰,现在已经被生产系统中技术的使用所取代,使其能够随着流程和市场的速度而进步(Wang and Koh, 2010)。在生产中使用技术已经减少了相当大的不确定性,特别是在生产过程中缺乏对错误的识别和减少浪费。在生产系统中使用和引入技术趋势,使生产过程更简单、更精简、更快速,是市场的最低期望。有了技术,信息传递变得简单、快速、实时,为产品供应链周期提供准确的决策。这样的方法和好处使顺序流程更精简,并丢弃供应链中所有不必要的节点,以消除所有额外的成本。通过在生产过程中引入技术,在成本和质量控制范围内满足市场和消费者的每一项需求的敏捷制造系统是绝对可能的。

工业4.0是在制造系统中注入的最具创新性的理念,当过程本身成为跨学科的,并以一种自动的方式进行反问责,从而加强控制过程执行的人类工人的良好问责性(Paolucci and Sacile, 2005)。这一过程是灵活的,因为它是由人工控制的,并且开发了几种机器替换操作,使它可以在没有人工干预的情况下运行特定的时间。这使得制造系统能够灵活地降低人为错误的成本,并使流程按照产品在供应链中流动的顺序步骤进行简化。

每一个合法需求的适应性是敏捷性的关键概念,通过物联网,软件开发的潜力被探索到超出其自身的范围,并被用于管理制造过程。“物联网”是一个引人注目的例子,它将生产设施、仓储系统和机器集成到一个生产公司的单一全球网络中。这使得生产公司更加灵活,减少了生产过程中的不确定性。物联网和把所有东西连接到一个单一的操作系统,可以由单位控制,这使得精益和敏捷制造系统的出现成为可能(Muir和Orban, 1998)。由于车辆、人员、生产设施和物流的高度互联互通,制造业获得了极大的优势,确保不屈服于断断续续的市场需求,而是以额外的降低成本和卓越的质量威慑来交付产品。

assignment代写 :生产过程中的敏捷制造系统

The advent of highly customised product demand enforces the production unit to become more agile and the primary driving force behind an aspiration of agile manufacturing is the external change that demands internal change in the unit and to align with the demands of the market with immediate effect. Therefore, the invention of Industry 4.0 system mechanism is more than helpful in addressing the current rapid demand shifts of the market and support the company to achieve excellent learning lessons in rapid production of customised manufacturing. Additionally, it also helps in eradicating all kinds of waste or find an innovative way to monetise the waste by conceptualising a by-product out of it. The use of Total Quality Management (TQM) which was at its peak usage during the 90s has been replaced by the use of technology in production system to enable progressing with the flow and the speed of the market (Wang and Koh, 2010). Use of technology in production has reduced considerable uncertainty, especially in the production procedures and the lack of identification of errors during the process, and waste reduction. Using and introducing technological trends in production system has made the manufacturing simpler, leaner, and faster in its inherent capacity such that it is the minimum expectation from the market. With technology, information passage is easy, faster, and real time offering accurate decision making in the products supply chain cycle. Such methods and benefits make the sequential process leaner and discard all unnecessary nodes in the supply chain to eliminate all extra cost. The agile manufacturing system where every single demand of the market and consumers is met within the control of costs and quality is absolutely possible through the introduction of technology in production processes.
Industry 4.0 is the most innovative idea to be infused in manufacturing systems when the process itself becomes inter-disciplined and is counter-accountable in an automatic way, thereby enforcing excellent accountability of human workers who control the execution of processes (Paolucci and Sacile, 2005). The process is flexible because it is controlled by human workers and several replacement actions for machines are developed which allows it to run itself for a specific period without human intervention. This allows the manufacturing system to be flexible in reducing costs of human error and also make the process streamlined in terms of sequential steps, through which the product flows in the supply chain.
Adaptability of every legitimate demand is the key concept of agility, and with the Internet of things, the software development potential is explored beyond its own scope and used in managing manufacturing processes. The ‘Internet of things’ makes a striking case of integrating production facilities, warehousing systems, and machinery into a single global network for the production company. This offers the production companies to be more agile and reduce uncertainty in all procedures of production. Internet of things and connecting everything into a single operational system that can be controlled by the unit has made possible the emergence of lean and agile manufacturing system (Muir and Orban, 1998). With such hyper connectivity of vehicles, humans, production facilities, logistics, the manufacturing industry has received a great privilege in gaining an advantage in securing the interest of not giving in to intermittent market demands and instead deliver with additional reduction in costs and exceptional quality deterrence.