

  本篇幫寫論文-零售行業講了信息技術將決策、數據訪問、社交媒體推廣和交流融合在一起,減少了模糊性,爲消費者提供了更好的品牌形象。市場情境要求零售商致力於持續的流程效率開發,以吸引並更好地響應零售商的需求。零售行業有潛力創造供應鏈,並提高需求。一方面,這些對技術有強烈意願的零售商創造了更多的就業機會。這反過來又會增加家庭的財務狀況,提高消費率。本篇幫寫論文文章由新西蘭第一論文 Assignment First輔導網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

  Information technology has allowed a blend of decision making, data access, social media promotions and communication exchange to reduce ambiguity and give better image of the brand to the consumers. Market scenario has insisted retailers to work towards continuous process efficiency developments to attract and achieve better responsiveness from the retailers. Retail industry has the potential to create supply chain as well as enhance demand. On the one hand, such retailers who have strong intent towards technology create more jobs. This will in turn increase the financial status of families and improve the consumption rate (Dwyer et al., 1987). The digital revolution has rather created a transformation in the mind-sets of people towards shopping. Retailers who drive technologies are known to sustain for a longer run.

  Case study 1 – Amazon

  Amazon, a reputed e-commerce giant, has revolutionized the concept of retailing with the help of technologies. Customers generally expect Amazon to offer a shopping experience that provides ease and broadens the returns. Amazon makes use of data and analytics to understand the touch points where consumers are commonly found to interact and express their interests (Singhi and Mall, 2016). In the mobile technology used by Amazon, it offers product recommendations based on customer engagement variables. Personalized content is provided so that the brand reaches by some means to the end user. Due to the maximized customer satisfaction from Amazon, retailers are forced to study the customer demographics as well as psychographics to deliver similar experience with suggestive selling options.

  One major strategy of Amazon that has hit the markets and productivity is convenience store named as Amazon Go. The conventional supermarket system is reintroduced with a clear blend of technologies to broaden the availability (Singhi and Mall, 2016). The brand thoroughly knows to communicate and simplify usage of complex technologies that are easy to understand. Further, Amazon has the potential to rethink technologies by introducing deep learning algorithms, machine learning and sensor fusion. Though it consumes large investment, the revenues are promising.
