

离国王公园最近的机场是珀斯机场。如果通过国家高速公路,珀斯机场距离国王公园大约13公里(18分钟)。从国王公园到珀斯机场的其他主要路线是州际2号线和州际8号线(都在大约15公里之外)。游客还可以使用另一个名为Jandakot机场的机场,如果通过国家2号线进入,该机场距离国王公园20公里。游客也可以通过铁路路线到达国王公园。这个地区附近有四个火车站。所有这些火车站都属于运输网络。申顿公园火车站连接珀斯和法曼特尔。苏比亚科火车站和达格利什火车站连接着珀斯、弗里曼特尔和申顿公园的几个地区。西利德维尔火车站连接着珀斯、弗里曼特尔、申顿公园和曼杜拉地区。为了去国王公园,还有其他几个火车站可以到达。Leederville, City West, Elizabeth Quay, Perth Underground, Perth, Mciver都是这样的火车站。国王公园也可以从珀斯机场3号和4号航站楼的15570站乘坐37路公交车到达。很明显,国王公园很容易通过几种模式和方法进入,因为该地区的基础设施网络相当现代化和高度发达。自行车路线也主要被人们使用。有些人喜欢把骑自行车和使用公共交通工具结合起来。然而,所有这些方式都帮助国际游客,国内游客,以及附近地区的人们轻松地到达国王公园。

The nearest airport to the Kings Park is the Perth Airport. If taken the route through the National Highway, the Perth Airport is situated approximately 13 kilometres (18 minutes) away from the Kings Park. The other prominent routes from the Kings Park to the Perth Airport are via State Route2 and State Route 8 (both approximately 15 kilometres away). The tourists can also use another airport named Jandakot Airport which is 20 kilometres away from the Kings Park if accessed via State Route 2. The visitors can also use railway routes to get to the Kings Park. There are four railway stations very close to this area. All of these railway stations fall under the Transperth network. The Shenton Park railway station connects Perth and Farmantle. The Subiaco railway station and the Daglish train station connect several regions of Perth, Fremantle, and Shenton Park. West Leederville train station connects the regions of Perth, Fremantle, Shenton Park, and Mandurah. There are several other railway stations that can be accessed in order to get to the Kings Park. Leederville, City West, Elizabeth Quay, Perth Underground, Perth, Mciver are some of those railway stations. The Kings Park can also be accessed via bus route 37 from the stop number 15570 of the 3rd and 4th terminals of the Perth Airport. It is pretty clear that Kings Park is easily accessible via several modes and methods because the infrastructure network of the area is pretty modern and highly developed. The cycling route is also majorly used by the people. Some of the people like to mix the access to cycling and the use of public transports. However, all of these ways help the international tourists, domestic tourists, and the people of the nearby regions to easily get to Kings Park.

毕业论文代写 :国王公园的可达性分析

国王公园有许多令人兴奋的特点,以查看和访问。游客可以使用多条自行车道、自行车道、汽车道和小路来探索国王公园。如果一个人从弗雷泽大道进入国王公园,他会注意到的第一个路径是May Drive。但是,如果一个人从温斯洛普大道进入这个地区,首先他必须在普尔大道和帕克大道之间做出选择。这两条街都与梅的车相遇。还有其他途径,即洛夫金驱动和福雷斯特驱动。BDGA停车场,Swan car park, Botanic Garden car park, Eucalyptus car park等多个停车场可以让游客安全停车,探索国王公园(Stilwell, 2005)。游客也可以步行进入一些通道。蜜眼路、布罗德路、克劳利路、文路、律路和玛丽路是最常用的路径。步行小径是探索和漫步国王公园最常用的媒介。这种倾向清楚地表明,游客完全意识到这个地方的自然重要性。当局也致力于通过使用各种交通枢纽来保持可持续性。在小路的两侧有几个厕所。这种高效的可达性选择极大地吸引了游客(Peters, and Weiemair, 2000)。公园的卫生系统也相当出色。

The king’s park has a lot of exciting features to view and access. The tourists can use multiple cycle paths, bike tracks, car routes, and pathways to explore Kings Park. If one enters the Kings Park from the Fraser Avenue, the first pathway he will notice is the May Drive. But if one enters the area through Winthrop Avenue, at first he has to choose between the Poole Avenue and the Park Avenue. Both of these streets meet with May Drive. There are other pathways namely Lovekin Drive and Forrest Drive. There are multiple car-parking spots like BDGA car-park, Swan car-park, Botanic Garden car-park, Eucalyptus car-park and many others that allow the visitors to park their car in safety and explore the Kings Park (Stilwell, 2005). There are also several pathways that the visitors can access on foot. Honeyeater path, Broadwalk, Crawley path, Wen path, Law walk, and Marri walk are among the most used pathways. Pathways on foot are the most used medium to explore and roam around Kings Park. This tendency clearly suggests that the visitors are totally aware of the natural importance of the place. The authorities are also focused on maintaining the sustainability by availing various hubs for transportations. There are several toilet facilities at the sides of the pathways. Such effective and efficient accessibility option attracts the tourists hugely (Peters, and Weiemair, 2000).The sanitation system of the park is also quite remarkable.
