


股票回购被视为一种分配方式,通过这种方式,组织可以将出售给股东的股票收回。这种方法可以代替现金股利政策,因为股票是通过现金交易从股东手中购买的。回购程序和股票被认为是国库股票或它被驳回(Takeuchi, 2010)。这些回购股票将不计入股息支付。在股份回购的情况下,流通股通常会随着回购股份的增加而减少和调整。让我们来讨论一下股份回购的原因:


大多数情况下,股东的现金分配方式是由回购程序组成的,因为其易于适应的性质(Walter, 1967)。


股东尚未持有的股票,应当减少数量。在这方面,这些份额可能有很高的价值,因为减少突出的(Chakraborty, 2008)。




股票应该在公开市场上从股东手中购买。整个回购程序将按照当前市场估值完成。回购的决定应由组织的董事会成员授权,而可购买的份额百分比和购买时间也将由董事会成员根据市场情况进行计划(Bierman, 2001)。与现金分配股利法相比,该方法具有成本效益。


在这种回购方法中,可购买的股份数量由组织确定。在定价方面,根据市场方差,股东被赋予一个价格等级,包括最低和最高的价格(Berk和DeMarzo, 2007)。实际上,股东在组织给定的定价等级上投标以使他们的销售价格最大化。组织的目标是购买固定数量的股票,并以此向股东提供一个他们所要求的股票数量将获得资格的股票价格。

代写essay :股份回购的现金分配方式

Share repurchases are treated as a method of distribution through which organization get back the shares which was sold to shareholders. This method could be a substitute of cash dividend policies as the shares are bought from the shareholders by cash transaction. The repurchasing procedures and shares are considered as treasury stock or it gets dismissed (Takeuchi, 2010). Those repurchased shares will not be accounted for dividend pay outs. In case of share repurchasing, the outstanding ones normally get decreased and adjusted with the repurchased ones. Let us discuss the reasons of share repurchasing:
If the previously issued shares are considered as a lower valued product by the organization or if the organization thinks that the asking share value is reasonable, then they use to repurchase the shares from the shareholders.
Most of times, the cash distribution method to the shareholders is consisted of repurchasing procedures due to its easily adaptable nature (Walter, 1967).
The taxes of company’s pay out towards shareholders are higher than the taxes on capital. The repurchase procedure is known to ensure the benefits on such taxation procedures.
The stocks which are not owned yet by the shareholders should be decreased in number. In this regards, those share could have a high value due to reduction of outstanding ones (Chakraborty, 2008).
Share repurchasing reduces the control by the shareholders on the organization that has bagged a maximum percentage of shares.
Methods of share repurchase:
Open market deal:
The shares should be bought from the shareholders in an open marketplace. The entire repurchasing procedure will be done with the current market valuation. The decision of repurchasing should be authorized by the board members of an organization whereas the purchasable share percentage and purchase time will also be planned by the board members as per the market scenario (Bierman, 2001). This method is known as the cost effective one in comparison with dividend method of cash distribution.
Dutch auction:
In this method of repurchasing, the purchasable share volume gets fixed by the organization. In case of pricing, the shareholders are given with a price bracket which includes a lowest and a highest price as per market variance (Berk and DeMarzo, 2007). Actually, the shareholders bid to maximize their selling price on the given pricing bracket by the organization. Organizations are aimed to buy the fixed volume of shares and for that they use to provide a share price to the shareholders where their asking share volume will get qualified.