





argue that workplace incivility is the main reason behind causing stress within organizations. People who are suffering because of incivility in workplace end up leaving their jobs. They find coping mechanism for stress as being unproductive given their situation. Negative consequences of the stress ultimately lead to high turnover in the organization. Employees take a proactive stance to defend them from workplace stress by moving over to other jobs. This is taken as a protective step.


Organizations need to create a cohesive work environment that ensures the safety of the people is assured. A widespread awareness is needed here so as to ensure workers are treated properly. This will result in better organizational effectiveness. In the current times, majority of the research are focused on the ways in which the employees are mistreated in the companies. However, this is the extreme case, this results in cases where the employees can treat each other with nuanced aggression. A hostile work environment is created for the people.
