

  本篇代寫-國際跨文化管理討論了公司擴大業務的主要原因是通過減少生產費用來創造全球競爭力,通過提供經濟一體化和貿易自由化來開發市場機會。有效地理解和利用跨文化管理可以幫助提供創新思維和經驗的範圍(Spector, 2010)。這對於增強處於競爭地位的商業組織至關重要。然而,文化上的差異最終可能會干擾國際商業多元文化社區中成功完成的組織目標。爲了避免文化誤解,管理者需要文化敏感性,並通過靈活的領導來促進激勵和創造力。有巨大的跨文化管理的重要性,並對國際業務的成功運作產生巨大影響。本篇代寫文章由新西蘭第一論文Assignment First輔導網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

  The main reason due to which companies expand their business is the creation of global competitiveness by the reduction of production expenses and exploitation of market opportunity by the offer of economic integration and trade liberalization. Effective understanding and utilization of cross cultural management can help in providing scope of innovative thinking and experience (Spector, 2010). This is crucial for enhancing the competitively positioned business organizations. However, differences in culture can end up interfering with successfully completed organizational objectives in the multicultural community of international business. For the avoidance of cultural misunderstanding, managers require cultural sensitivity and promotion of motivation and creativity by flexible leadership. There is huge significance of cross-cultural management and has a huge impact on the successful operations of international business (Søderberg and Holden, 2012).

  It was earlier reported by Cullen and Parvoteeah (2008) that management of international business cannot be separated from the pattern of cultural behaviours. This is because of the representation of culture with respect to shared and pervasive symbols, values, norms and beliefs guiding the daily lives of different people. International managers have to take decisions for choosing and adjusting their strategies in alignment with the culture of different counties (Oddou, 2010). The use of traditional strategies by management authorities for managing workforce with culture diversity deal with inadequacy and do not have the ability of solving the issue of cross cultural diversity and management. The specific challenges faced by international business in cross cultural management are cultural shock, cultural distance, ethnocentrism, individualism and parochialism.

  Parochialism: The global operations to expand organizations are performed in an environment with a different social system than the one based originally (Ochieng and Price, 2010). This social system impacts the response provided by each and every individual involved. The posting of employees to a new nation ends up exhibiting a number of different behaviours. They can face failure in recognizing major differences between their own culture and other cultural backgrounds to which organization expand. Even if this is done, they hold the tendency of concluding the insignificant impact of such difference (Dong and Liu, 2010).

  Individualism: Some employees in the workforce may show relative individualism, depicting the increased emphasis laid upon personal welfare and needs. Considering the extreme point, it is suggested by individualism that there must be guidance of their action in context with their motivational factors.

  Ethnocentrism: This challenge is involved when there is predisposition of people for believing they have the best homeland conditions. Such a predisposition is referred as ethnocentrism, or the criterion of self- reference (Brannen and Doz, 2010). Even if such thinking can be considered natural, it is interfering to understand human behaviour as per different cultures and obtain productivity out of the population of local employees. For the integrating the local and imported social systems, international workforces should understand local conditions in cultural terms.
