

中国是世界上发展最快的新兴经济体之一。它正在与发达国家的公司竞争。有几个因素有助于国家的增长(阿姆斯特朗,2006)。也有一些来自世界发达国家的国际投资者选择在这个国家投资。分析人士预测,将有更多来自世界不同文化和民族的员工在中国企业工作(Armstrong, 2006)。某些因素,如提供给员工的薪酬,以及对员工的欣赏,在不同的文化中是相似的。在一些国家也有一种趋势,即外派人员正在接管当地的工作。外籍员工和本地人的工资差异是一个令人担忧的原因(Leung, Zhu, and Ge, 2009)。除此之外,还有一些无形的内在因素需要解决。在这种情况下,管理者必须了解跨文化培训的基本知识。在政治上,已经有一些法律帮助了经济和贸易的增长。中国的国别风险也较低;正因为如此,进入这个国家的投资者越来越多(Zhu, Zhang, and Shen, 2012)。由于政府在这方面的支持,投资者的数目有所增加。在这一行动之后,该区域的外籍雇员人数有所增加。从法律的角度来看,已经有许多法律方面的操作,以引进更多来自不同国家的贸易和外籍员工(朱,张,和沈,2012)。政治和法律因素的结合为该地区带来了新的投资者。这些政府规章和任务的执行、透明度和责任制的问题最近受到了质疑。从经济上看,中国在1978年的经济改革中取得了稳定的增长(李,赵和刘,2006)。2015年的中国全球市场危机吓跑了一些新投资者。然而,现有的基础设施促进了国家的经济增长。由于全球化,有一个明确的趋势,全球化和接受西方文化。然而,中国仍然存在着关于工作文化和伦理道德的强烈的中国文化价值观(Li, Zhao和Liu, 2006)。与西方相比,中国的权力距离指数相对较高。中国工人的放纵因素相对较低。在这个国家,集体主义比个人主义更重要(Warner, 2009)。在技术上,有足够的基础设施促进该区域的增长。由于工业化的迅速发展,诸如水污染和空气污染物的增加等基本资源的缺乏引起了环境方面的关切。


代写价格 :关于中国的工作环境分析

China is one of the most rapidly growing emerging economies in the world. It is competing with companies from developed nations. There are several factors that have aided for the growth of the country (Armstrong, 2006). There are also a number of international investors from the developed countries of the world who choose to invest in this country. Analysts predict that there will be more employees from different cultures of the world and nationalities who will work in corporations within China (Armstrong, 2006). Certain factors such as remuneration provided to employee, and appreciation towards the employees are found to be similar across the cultures. There is also a tendency in countries that expatriates are taking over the indigenous jobs. Difference in pay towards the expatriates and locals are a cause of concern (Leung, Zhu, and Ge, 2009). Apart from these, there are some intangible inherent factors that need to be addressed. In this scenario, it is imperative for the managers to understand about the basics of cross-cultural training. Politically, there have been a number of laws that have aided for the growth of economics and trade. Country risk of China is also found to be less; owing to this, there has been increase of investors into this nation (Zhu, Zhang, and Shen, 2012). There has been a rise in the number of investors owing to governmental support regarding the same. Subsequent to this action, there is an increase in the number of expatriate employees in the region. From a legal standpoint, there have been a number of legal aspects that have been maneuvered to bring in more trade and expatriate employees from different nations (Zhu, Zhang, and Shen, 2012). Combination of politics and legal aspects has brought in new investors for the region. Issues of implementation, transparency and accountability of these governmental regulation and mandates have been questioned in the recent times. Economically, the country is found to have posted steady growth from its economical reforms in 1978 (Li, Zhao and Liu, 2006). China global market crisis in 2015 has deterred away some new investors. Nevertheless, the existing infrastructure has promoted economic growth for the nation. Due to globalization, there has been a definitive trend towards globalization and embracing western culture. However, there are strong Chinese cultural values regarding working culture and ethics that still exist in China (Li, Zhao and Liu, 2006). Power distance index is relatively higher in China when compared to the western counterparts. Indulgence factor is relatively lower for Chinese workers. There is more importance given to collectivism rather than individualism in the country (Warner, 2009.) Technologically, there is adequate infrastructure to promote growth in the region. There have been environmental concerns over the scarcity of basic resources such as water pollution, and increase in air pollutants owing to rapid industrialization.
The above-mentioned factors probe into detail about the different kinds of personnel, assignments given to the personnel and general expatriate assignments provided for the individuals. As elucidated earlier, it is reiterated that the best practices training are developed based on the subjective requirements; for this, the companies need to adopt localized training protocols.
