

  本篇代写价格-社交媒体对公共关系的影响讲了社交媒体对公关和新闻行业产生了巨大的影响。它已经成为最受大众欢迎的传播媒介。在一些场合,媒体被指责有偏见,捏造新闻,捏造事实和信息。但是,媒体渠道的所有者、记者和编辑保持其新闻来源的真实性和客观性(Macnamara, 2014)。这场辩论是美国最激烈的辩论之一。它批评媒体持有自由主义偏见和捏造新闻。批评者指出,今天的新闻是根据记者、媒体所有者和编辑的个人观点进行操纵的。这些人被进一步认为是左倾的、精英主义的和政治正确的。本篇代写价格文章由新西兰第一论文 Assignment First辅导网整理,供大家参考阅读。

  Issue of debate: Impact of social media on public relations

  Social media impacts the PR and news industry massively. It has become the most popular medium of communication to the public. On several occasions, the media are accused for bias, shaping news, fabrication of facts and information. But, owners of media channels, journalists and editors maintain the authenticity and objectivity of their news sources (Macnamara, 2014). This debate has been one of the most heated arguments in the United States. It criticizes media for holding liberal bias and fabrication of news. The critics point out that news today is manipulated as per the personal views of journalists, media owners and editors. These people have been further argued as left leaning, elitist and politically correct in their approach (Uow.edu.au. 2017).

  It has been debated and argued relentlessly, that majority of journalists in big media houses and newsrooms have a leftward bent and conservatism in their personal politics. This leads to their biased approach on issues like abortion, gay rights, affirmative actions, gun control etc. They tend to assume that their approach is reasonable and morally correct, leading to bias in the news communicated by them. This pattern of media concentration is not only found in the US and Australia but many other parts of the world such as Britain, Canada and Europe (Ngai et al., 2015). For example, Australian born American Keith Rupert Murdoch acquired many newspapers in Australia and New Zealand in 1950s and 1960s before expanding in the UK in 1969. Murdoch’s “media empire” is huge which includes publishing houses in Australia and the US, festival records and the 20th Century Fox (Kellner, 2012). It has the power to make and break news, politicians and newspapers. It is known to have misused its power by constantly opposing peace movements, progressive social programs and trade unions. It has also been responsible for a negative impact on society by supporting death penalty, lower tax policy and hawkish foreign policies at any cost (Freedman, 1996).

  Agenda of journalism lies in accurately reporting facts and information presented to the publics. The new should not be shaped by public’s choice and interests, rather it should be based on a thorough research by journalists and credibility of evidences collected by them (Westerman et al., 2014). Most of the news today is manufactured by PR specialists and firms, rather than being discovered by journalism. Public relations have become a multi-billion-dollar industry today as they are the primary source of information for journalists. PR executives have the power to influence the real story and change the way it is communicated to the public (Wirth et al., 2010).
