

  本篇代寫論文-澳大利亞同性婚姻講了由於對同性婚姻合法身份的廣泛爭論,多年來同性婚姻一直是澳大利亞政治中的一個重要議題。在澳大利亞,賦予同性伴侶的法律保護和權利的擴展版本已經在州和聯邦一級確立。作爲一個重要的例子,該法案在悉尼、昆士蘭、塔斯馬尼亞、維多利亞州和新南威爾士州都有體現,爲同性婚姻等特定關係的合法身份提供了保障。同性婚姻在全國範圍內被認爲是不可避免的,而澳大利亞要成爲一個文明文明的社會,則需要走很長的路(Butler, 2014)。所以文本分析在澳大利亞是“婚姻平等”。本篇代寫論文文章由新西蘭第一論文 Assignment First輔導網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

  Theoretical Discussion and Analysis: Semiotics Theory

  The semiotic approach is known for pertaining the sense of individual text parole and language in the consideration of texts analysed as a crucial attribute for analysing media through culture. Language can be referred to as a system established across signs with different categories, range of images, written words, and sounds (Poirier, 2008). Such an approach is highly affected by specific ideas in concern with the form or is also referred to as the signifier. There is reference of idea in the form of signified which is correlated with various components of a sign. From this perspective, signifier becomes the photo, image or word of the object for its signification. However, as per this particular theory, there are no fixed meanings attached with signs, instead of mentioning them to describe the overall social constructivism. It is ever adaptive and changing to the time duration of being utilized. In the additional context, differences of things provide specific signification. The basic approach is showing the differences of paired words or things that establish opposite meanings (Adut, 2012). For example, the sign of the same-sex marriage is ” rainbow” . However, in the different country, after the sign the text analyse are different .

  Same-Sex Marriage in Australia

  Same-sex marriage has been an important agenda in the politics of Australia since many years due to the wider debates regarding the lawful identity of same-sex marriages. The expanded versions of legal protections and rights assigned in Australia to same-sex couples are well established at state and federal level. As a significant example, the legislation is present in Sydney, Queensland, Tasmania, Victoria and New South Wales providing the lawful of identity of specific relationships such as the unions of the same-sex. Same-sex marriage is identified as highly inevitable across the nation while Australia has to cover a long distance to come up as a civilized and civil society (Butler, 2014). So the text analyse in Australia is “marriage equality”.
