

本篇文章是关于弗洛伊德理论分析的,在弗洛伊德理论中,还有一个重要的部分:性冲动。在精神分析性冲动理论中,性心理发展是核心因素。本能的性欲从人类出生开始经历五个阶段:口腔、肛门、生殖器、潜伏和生殖器。弗洛伊德提出,儿童在性心理发展阶段会经历性挫折,并会经历焦虑,这种焦虑会以神经症和功能性精神障碍的形式持续到成年(Bullock, a . & Trombley, S。,1999年,p .643,第705页)。口腔期的年龄范围是出生后的第一年。本篇代写论文文章由新西兰第一论文Assignment First辅导网整理,供大家参考阅读。

In Freudian theory, there is another important part: the sexual drive. In the psychoanalytic sexual drive theory, psychosexual development is a central element. The instinctual libido develops in five stages from the human birth: the oral, the anal, the phallic, the latent, and the genital. Freud proposed that a child experienced sexual frustration in relation to the psychosexual developmental stage, and would experience anxiety which could persist into adulthood as a neurosis and a functional mental disorder (Bullock, A. & Trombley, S., 1999, p.643, p. 705). The age range of the oral stage is the first year after birth.
The erogenous zone is mouth. In this stage the psychological fixation might result in a passive, gullible, and manipulative personality. The second stage is Anal. It is between 1 to 3 years. The Erogenous zone is bowl and bladder elimination. The psychological fixation might be reckless, careless, defiant, disorganized and coprophiliac. And the third stage is Phallic. The age is 3-6 years. The erogenous zone is genitalia. According to Freud, the Oedipus complex might be produced in this stage. The last two stages are Latency and Genital. The ages are 6-puberty and puberty-death. The erogenous zones are dormant sexual feelings and sexual interests mature (Sim, M., 1974, p. 35, p. 407).
The Oedipus complex is the boy’s decisive psychosexual experience in the phallic stage, his son-father competition of possession of mother. In this stage, the child will begins forming a discrete sexual identity. They identify the “boy” and the “girl”. The sexual identity alters the dynamics of the child-parent relationship. When the boy focuses the libido upon his mother, he shows jealousy and rivalry against his father at the same time, because the father can sleep with his mother. To urge uniting himself with his mother, his Id has the impulse to kill his father like what Oedipus did, but the ego which is based upon the reality principle knows that father is the stronger one of the two males to possess the mother.
As a result, the boy remains so ambivalent about his father’s status in the family that he demonstrates a fear of castration by the physically greater father. The irrational impulse is still in the infantile Id (Bullock, A. & Trombley, S., 1999, p. 607, p.705). In Freudian psychoanalysis theory, the successful resolution of the Oedipus complex is the child’s identification of the same-sex parent. It is necessary for the development of a mature sexual role and identity. Freud proposed that the experience is castration anxiety. However, if the boy cannot have the true experience, the psychological fixation will appear, which will finally become a kid of psychological illness.
