






Forced displacement has been on the rise resulting from several reasons, all of whom bear unquestioned connection to social developments. The displacement stems from the roots of conflict, sovereign rights, national security and inter-dependency of nations on each other, among other reasons of national occurrence . The recent forced displacement events in the Far East countries of Syria, Turkey, Tunisia, Yemen, and other countries has added much to the desire to inquire into its origins. Forced displacement of innocent civilians has given rise to a sudden and exponential growth in the asylum seekers application in European countries that includes Germany, France, UK, and non-European countries like US, Canada, Australia, etc. The displacement comes from the atrocities originated in Syria and Yemen that forced thousands of citizens to flee from their home countries to seek shelter elsewhere.


This created internal and external forced displacement where the external are called as refugees with a distorted identity in search of a permanent place of settlement away from such atrocious nation-states. These developments are ignited through the failure of the nation state to upheld human rights enforcement, in addition to multiple underlying reasons of the rise of terrorism organisations . This rise is also linked with how they have been received and handled by international community, which in turn forced them to demand their own sovereignty over the region. These terrorist groups force those who disagree to their unhuman ways of law enforcement to flee forever and seek asylum elsewhere.