

在决定对全纳教育中特殊学校的学生实施衡量标准时,存在着与全纳教育提供的好处不一致的复杂观点。帕特·林克霍恩(Pat Linkhorn)是一名特殊儿童家长的顾问,他本人也是一名家长,他认为全纳教育体系不是一个放之四海而皆准的项目(《教育世界:特殊教育包容》,2017年)。林克霍恩声称,尽管他患有自闭症的女儿金伯利在中学毕业后表现出了良好的进步,但如果将她在塑造自我形象和社交技巧方面的注意力准确地纳入其中,她本可以取得更大的进步。家长希望对他们的特殊孩子有最正常的看法和看法,这是自然的,但首要条件是在包容的环境中包含更多的特殊需要,这对所有学生的发展至关重要,无论他们的残疾和能力如何。

代写论文 :全纳教育实施的案例研究分析

Andaya等(2015)对特殊学生全纳教育实施情况进行了评估研究,发现在对特殊学生实施全纳教育时,非残疾家长的担忧得到了妥善处理和解决。这澄清了非残疾人父母的担忧,即他们的孩子实际上可能会降低他们的学习技能,并在实现他们的潜力方面受到抑制。这也阐明了逐步消除社会对残疾人的排斥、对残疾学生的刻板印象、从社会建构的排斥意识形态向包容社会发展的转变。教师必须明白,社会排斥总是由那些从压迫中受益的人进行的,因此,他们必须发展自己对全纳教育的理解,禁止所有激发和影响排斥的社会规范(Carrington & MacArthur, 2012)。

代写论文 :全纳教育实施的案例研究分析

In deciding to impose measuring criteria for special school students in inclusive education, there are complex opinions that are not aligned to the benefits provided by inclusive education. Pat Linkhorn, who is a consultant for parents of special children and a parent himself argues that the inclusive education system is not a one-size-fits-all program (“Education World: Special Education Inclusion”, 2017). Linkhorn claimed that his autistic daughter Kimberly, despite having shown good progress in post school arena, could have progressed more if precise focus and attention on building her self-image and attention to social skills would have been included. This is natural on part of a parent who wants the most normal perspective and perception about their special children, but the primary condition is to include more special needs in the inclusive settings, which are paramount for the development of all students, irrespective of their disabilities and abilities.

代写论文 :全纳教育实施的案例研究分析

Andaya et al. (2015) conducted a study on the assessment of the implementation of inclusive education for special students and found out that the concerns of non-disabled parents is comfortably handled and settled when the inclusive system is implemented on special students. This clarifies the concerns of parents of non-disabled that their children could in fact degrade their learning skills and would be subdued in realising their potential. This also clarifies the gradual elimination of the social exclusion of the disabled, stereotyping disabled students, and shifting away from society constructed exclusion ideologies to an inclusive society development. Teachers must understand that social exclusion is always in progress by the ones who benefit from oppressing, therefore they must develop their own understanding of inclusive education and bar all societal norms that motivate and influence exclusion (Carrington & MacArthur, 2012).
