

  本篇代寫論文-人力資源管理戰略講了對於企業來說,哈伯德需要實施一定的理論人力資源管理戰略。這些策略大致可以分爲過度延伸策略和特定策略。公司的過度延伸戰略需要納入管理願景和使命聲明。公司必須採取綜合管理措施,以確保有一個適當的薪酬管理系統。職業發展和員工敬業度需要提高。本篇代寫論文文章由新西蘭第一論文 Assignment First輔導網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

  Recommendation for Best practice

  The company needs to improve the HR management standards. They need to focus on the product quality, and for that, there must be more employee motivation

  Incorporation of motivational theories such as Hertzberg and Maslow theory are needed to keep the employees interested.

  For expansion to the international market, the company needs to revisit the strategies that it has developed from the Resource based view.

  Organizational Strategies for HRM Strategies

  For the company, Hubbard needs to implement certain theoretical HRM strategies. These can be broadly classified into overreaching strategies and specific strategies. The company for the overreaching strategies needs to incorporate the management vision and mission statement. There must be an integrated management effort that the company needs to take to ensure that there is a pay management system in place. The career development and employee engagement need to be increased.

  One of the most important ways to increase the employee motivation is to revisit the motivational theories. The Maslow theory of motivation can be used to increase the patronage of the people and focus on the ways to bring in more innovation into the company (Grant, 2004). The company must plan for international expansion. The company goals must be aligned with the employee’s goals for all around progress and development. These are some of the ways in which there can be progress made in the company. To increase the leverage of the company in the consumer base and improve the employee productivity certain specific strategy, it needs to be incorporated in the design of the company.

  Talent management should be reorganized by the company. The company should look for ways to bring in talent and improve the processes of the company (Storey, 2007). There must be more innovation and growth that the company needs to focus to bring in development.

  The company has to have a continual improvement practices. It is evident that there are some principles which they use to ensure that there is continual progress. These practices need to be intensified to bring in more innovation in the company.

  The employee reward and relations should be focused more by the company. It is evident that the company has created a professional environment that is friendly (Tompkins & Adger, 2004). Dick Hubbard has taken his employees on extravagant vacation such as the trip to Samoa to appreciate employee efforts. There are efforts taken by the company to show that they appreciate the efforts of the employees. However, there must be more efforts taken by the company to bring in development and growth. Alignment must be made to ensure that there is more innovation and focus which must be shifted towards the product quality in the company.

  These are some of the main organizational strategies for HRM by the company.
