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代写论文 社会认同



Social identity is the concept of individuals labelling themselves as members of particular social groups—such as Nationality, Social class, Subculture, Ethnicity, Gender and Employment (Wikipedia 2004). The question to be answered in this assignment is whether we are free to choose our own identity or if identity is socially constructed through ideas like Nationality, Ethnicity, Race and Social Class.

There are two major streams of thought providing an answer to this question(Livesey 2004). On the one hand there is the Interactionist school, which emphasises that we have the ability to reflect upon the nature of the social world and our position in that world. This means that there is a creative dimension of human Consciousness that actively shapes society in our image. On the other hand there is the structuralist view that identity is the product of society. An example of this school of thought is German sociologist Georg Simmel (1858–1918) who argued that individuals are defined by their membership of individual groups. Simmel emphasises membership of the groups we belong to as a source of our identity.

The majority of sociologists, however, fall somewhere between these two antitheses (Livesey 2004). American sociologist C. Wright Mills, for example, argued that ‘neither the life of an individual, nor the history of a society can be understood without understanding both’ (Mills 1959, 3). Anthony Giddens sees a ‘double relationship’ between individual people and society, whereby individuals influence society and vice versa society influences individuals. The below diagram is the best examples of showing how the identity differ in different kind of cultural groups.



