

  本篇代写论文-社交媒体讲了在当今时代,社交媒体被积极地应用在每件事情上。用户支持案例中确定的社交媒体使用跨越多个行业,从商业、营销、广告、教育行业、服务行业等。这种形式的支持扩展意味着用户只能在社交媒体上互动,以识别他们需要的信息。本篇代写论文文章由新西兰第一论文 Assignment First辅导网整理,供大家参考阅读。

  The social media is proactively used for everything in the current times. Social media usages as identified in the case of user support spans multiple industries, from business, marketing, advertising, educational industry, service industry and more. This form of support extended means that users can interact only in social media to identify the information needed by them (Hennig-Thurau et al., 2010). As researchers point out, they would be able to collect information from business perspectives, and buyers would be able to interact directly with the social media, consumers would be able to identify with one another, and the social media becomes a large public space where the geographic of publics need not be considered. Discovery of both product, and information becomes flexible in the social media (Parson, 2013). The motivation of this research is hence to identify how the existence of such space and tools facilitate a positive impact on consumer decision making when it comes to the tourism industry.

  Consumers in the current times are utilizing technology for different reasons and are seen to be confining themselves to electronic processes more and more. The social media spreads phenomenon’s faster. Word of mouth communication has never been faster and it is the case with social media. The electronic word of mouth not only has the same factors to be considered as in the case of the traditional word of mouth, but also includes such factors as faster transmission of messages, better reachability and more (Hennig-Thurau et al., 2010). The research is significant, as the trend of online shopping is increasing and does not seem to have a decline curve at present. Social media does not only encourage the current seller to sell their products online to existing buyers, but also is able to create potential newer buyers. Newer buyers read the messages posted on social media and are able to share their experiences and more, which in turn creates potential buyers. Identifying how an impact exists is necessary to advise businesses on the cons. Just like how a positive review would travel faster, it would so happen that a negative review would also reach out to consumers with just about the same speed. It is noticed that negative opinions could alternatively cause a buyer not to buy a product they had planned for earlier. A study was conducted in this form of a purchase behaviour by researchers Pookulanagara & Koesler (2011) and in this study it was identified that around 25 percent of most consumers spanning across different industries admitted to posting links on the products they buy online. They also believed in not only sharing retail information but also updates about their purchase process, their customer care service and more (Pookulangara and Koesler, 2011). This form of information sharing affects the decision making of consumers and hence analysing for the impact of the social media on the consumer buying behaviour in tourism industry would be helpful for business organizations.
