










本研究中这些简单的实验是基于不同理论的研究和发现,如Loftus提出的目击者识别失败理论,Barlett的记忆扭曲理论,Pashler, Phillips和Simons最近提出的变化盲的研究。不同的研究表明,人类无法察觉运动或现实世界事件中的变化。两个不同的实验包括受试者,他们是行人,对情况一无所知。



代写论文 :有关实验研究目的、方法、结论的简述

The abstract of the study suggests that people are not able to detect the changes from the visual impression from first look to second look, which means that when people look at the environment from one view to second view, they are not able to detect visual changes and details. The research is based on finding the reasons behind detecting the changes in visual images. The research is based on various experiments and results have also been included.
Briefly describe the methodology and indicate whether or not it was appropriate.
The methodology of the study is carried out through different real world experiments. Through first experiment the researchers surreptitiously substitute one person for another. This was carried out in the real world interaction and middle of the action. The method of the first experiment included 15 pedestrians as the subjects, who were between the ages of 20 to 65. For the experiment, pedestrians were used as the subject. These were either walking alone or with someone.
The methodology was correct as it provided the results with discussion. The result stated that seven out of fifteen pedestrians were able to detect change. There were difference in clothing, voice and appearance of the experimenter, only seven could detect that change. This also staes the reason behind change blindness is the passive nature of the mediated stimuli, thus it is when the real world changes could be detected.
The study also states another experiment, which was done in order to understand the role of social groups and their members in detecting the change. The experiment was carried out in the same way with one critical change. This change was that same experimenters were dressed as the construction workers, but their clothes were different. The experimenters asked the pedestrians to provide the directions of the building according to their map.
The experiment was conducted at the same location as the experiment 1. There were 12 pedestrians, who participated in this experiment. In the experiment 1 the younger participants had noticed the change, while in the second experiment out of twelve participants; only four participants could detect the change.
Briefly outline the researchers’ conclusions and discuss whether they were supported by the results of the study.
These simple experiment in the study are based on the research and findings of different theories such as, failures eyewitness identification proposed by Loftus, Barlett’s theory of distortion in memory and recent studies of change blindness proposed by Pashler, Phillips and Simons. Different studies show that humans are not able to detect change in the motion or in the real world incident. Two different experiments included the subjects, who were the pedestrians and did not have any idea about the situation.
Thus the experiments concludes that people could not notice that change to any central object within a scene, even if the change occurs immediately in the middle of the ongoing real world event. Attention is not enough to detect changes. Another possible objection is that the pedestrians were given the task of providing directions, thus this situation distracted their mind from concentrating on the change. The subjects in the experiments were mainly focused on the map rather than on experimenters.
It could be said that results of the experiments do not provide specific result according to the situation. The subjects were mainly focused on the conversation and were slightly making eye contact. There was no surprise that pedestrians could not detect the change because it happened among the ongoing situation because such changes occurred between different views.