




代写论文之Introduction Part 7

An interest turn in the architectural concepts came when some of the architects were of the opinion that the design and the aesthetics were being unduly sacrificed. This gave rise to the postmodernism. This section of people added the touch of design and ensured that the structures were equally functional. Following postmodernism style started Deconstructivism. It was characterised by non-rectiliner shapes that distorted elements of architecture, and fragmentation. The look of the sturctures represented that of a controlled chaos along with degree of unporedictability.

From 1980s till today architecture has taken a further jump. It not only includes the design but also considers the value it is going to generate in the long term. There has also being a shift in design architect and project architect. With the increasing complicacies various issues like law of the region, durability, money and other issues are evaluated before every construction is started. The design is now not limited to the want of the client or the architect but has to consider the users also. With environmental degradation taking place, the issue has also become important for the architects. They must now consider the approach that will reduce the carbon footprints. In view to the ever increasing number of building it becomes essential to use material that will not affect the nature and are also durable.