

  本篇代写-人力资源管理讲了人力资源管理的核心实践之一是在任何组织中选择和招聘员工。世界各地的组织通常使用性质相似的招聘过程。例如,像世界上大多数国家一样,美国的组织经常根据个人面试的结果来选择和招聘有潜力的候选人(Aslani et al., 2016)。在美国,大多数组织实施的这种个人招聘过程,基本上是从评估申请人的能力和学术和/或技术专长开始的,这与工作的先决条件有关。初始阶段允许组织选择符合以下评估阶段的初始员工。在第一步之后,组织会通过个性化的面试环节来评估适合这份工作的候选人的能力和工作经验(Bedford, 2016;Caligiuri和Tarique, 2016)。工作是提供给候选人有效地满足所有这些阶段的要求。本篇代写文章由新西兰第一论文 Assignment First辅导网整理,供大家参考阅读。

  Selection and Recruitment

  One of the core practices of HRM within any organization is of selecting and recruiting the employees. Organizations throughout the world commonly use processes of recruitment that are similar in nature. For an instance, like most nation across the globe, organizations within United States often select and recruit candidates that are potential on the basis of findings from the individual interview (Aslani et al., 2016). Such processes of personal recruitment implemented by most organizations in United States fundamentally initiate with assessing the capabilities and academic and/or technical expertise of the applicants in regards to the prerequisites of the job. The initial phase allows the organizations for selection of initial employees’ lot which qualify for the following evaluation phase. Post the initial step, organizations then assess the aptitude and work experience of the candidates that are qualified for the job by personalized sessions of interview (Bedford, 2016; Caligiuri and Tarique, 2016). The job is provided to the candidates upon effectively meeting all the requirements of these stages.

  In an addition to following such described processes of selection and recruitment various corporations within the nation of China take high interest in the scores of the test given by applicant. There is also presence of tendency to assess the adapting ability of the potential candidate in environment of China along with their cultural practices (Fang et al., 2016). In comparison to the firms in United States, measuring adaptability and familiarity of the candidates to the local culture is highly rare. Hence, it is evident that the practices of selection and recruitment as implemented by these two nations are extremely comparable with very minor difference regarding the evaluation of the additional score and acculturation preference within China.
