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  These laws continue to be nebulous and cause the people to be circumvented. In this paradigm, the companies are expected to act ethically and in some cases, the drive in to succeeded make, these companies cross the lines of ethics. Owing to this, the companies faced a number of issues. Unless the laws are changed with clarity and more regulatory efforts are taken, these issues will continue to emerge in the society.


  To conclude, the companies in the modern times need to have clear transparent and accountable practices. They must not focus on the sales targets and have appropriate regulatory internal mechanisms to address the issues. The issue with the regulatory bodies is conceiving of laws that are not clear. These make the international companies look for ways to circumvent the laws. These create more issues and apprehensive attitude. In this paradigm, there are no feasible solutions that are derived.

  Hence the clarity in language and stringent systematic reviews would have prevented the issues in Well Fargo and Credit Suisse. The companies will be aware of the stringent measures taken to maintain ethical systems and they would adhere to the laws. A cohesive flow of information between the different parties would have prevented this issues from exasperating. These were the analogies that were developed.