
  本篇代寫-物聯網系統講了現在,以類似的方式,在這項研究中,RFID作爲物聯網系統的使用被視爲一種更強大的處理工作方式。使用超高頻標籤的RFID可用於多種應用,如零售庫存管理、藥品防僞、無線設備配置等。大部分新的RFID項目使用超高頻而不是低頻或高頻,這使得超高頻成爲RFID市場增長最快的部分。本篇代寫文章由新西蘭第一論文 Assignment First輔導網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

  There are different forms of LRIT interfacing that are used. Usually, the LRIT interface is connected with that of business help desks and operators. The presence of operators for performing a multitude of tasks in one stationary position is a key advantage. From one fixed central point, it will be possible to view and requests the statuses of vessels that are being monitored, see vessel information, check for the increase and decrease in the vessel reporting rates etc. For the current company being analysed for in this research, this is one of the most basic requirements that are also being targeted. Will it be possible for ensuring that long range identifications systems without the need for drive to leave the cabin of forklift are a feasible work application?

  Additional functionality can be added based on company needs. Now in the context of the example stated above, the United States Maritime office ensures that there is real time information collection in the form of shipping report rates. Now default shipping report rates have to be done every six hours and in some cases, the on demand position might put reporting rate for every three hours, or for every one hour thirty minutes, fifteen minutes etc. In this context, it is necessary to make use of some form of standalone system which is able to integrate data in real time. The IoT subsystems build for these ensures that they adapt too as per the requirement, but also will be able to assure that the reporting done is usually sustainable over time. Usually when the system or organizational needs increases, the form of data and the amount of data that is being used will also increase leading to much complexities. Now in the case of the more current IoT and big data systems users it is noticed that the main reason for them making the switch to IoT was that of their data complexity. The ways and means to handle data, and the real time system use required were fulfilled with IoT usage. Users also need record keeping systems that are not purely dependent on man power all the time. The use of the more independent and intelligent IoT system would be helpful.

  Now in a similar way, in this research, the use of the RFID as IoT system is seen to be a more enhanced way of handling work. RFID using UHF tags can be used in a wide variety of applications, like retail inventory management to pharmaceutical anti-counterfeiting, to wireless device configuration. The bulk of new RFID projects are using UHF opposed to LF or HF, making UHF the fastest growing segment of the RFID market.

  The UHF frequency band is regulated by a single global standard called the ECPglobal Gen2 (ISO 18000-6C) UHF standard.

