




建议澳洲航空公司采用备用流程。这种流动将使各部门的人力资源部门能够根据员工的表现、拟议的薪酬、公司观察到的潜力以及员工的利益为组织福利做出贡献,从而为员工提供福利(Gahan, 2000)。

评估澳洲航空公司目前的结构,面临的挑战包括有限的灵活性,未解决的薪酬问题和糟糕的变革管理策略(Lauder, 2011)。通过本文提出的数据库设计,人力资源管理者可以对每个人的绩效进行评估,评估他们的需求,并通过相关的培训程序来满足他们的需求。这些程序对所有人群都有帮助,也可以解决目前普遍存在的员工不满状况。此外,该项目足够灵活,可以容纳其他部门和澳航的全部员工。然而,数据越高,实现同样的挑战在成本和时间上也会增加。

代写作文 :澳航数据库设计使用的总结

Qantas Airways regards development and training to be its core areas in the success and sustainability of the company. The HRIS database currently followed lacks in several aspects. In order to motivate and engage workforce with proper direction, yet another HRIS database is proposed. This database is identified to work extremely well for the identified target audience from three departments. As it is open to customization, it definitely has to undergo improvements in the future for expansion to other departments.

This database design clearly shows the presence of generic data of every individual along with their job history and internal coordination structure (includes manager id and department id). This design is actually simpler and effective because the possibility for redundancy is less and it is easier to restructure at anytime in the future. However, the problem is that the variables such as department id and manager id stand as primary keys and need to be connected everywhere. There is high dependency towards these variables. Eventually, when restructuring happens, it is important to make sure that they don’t get affected or assigned with a null value.
Alternate flow is suggested for Qantas Airways. This flow will enable the HR of every department to offer benefits to the employee depending on their performances, proposed compensations, potential as observed by the company and the interests of employee to contribute to the welfare of the organization (Gahan, 2000).

Evaluating the current structure of Qantas Airways, there are challenges in terms of limited flexibility, unsolved salary issues and poor change management strategy (Lauder, 2011). With the database design presented in this paper, it is possible for the HR managers to evaluate the performance of every individual and assess their needs and fulfil them with relevant training procedures. These procedures can turn out to be helpful for all groups of people and can also solve the employee dissatisfaction status that is currently prevailing. Further, the project is flexible enough to accommodate other departments and entire employee set of Qantas Airways. However, higher the data, the challenges also increase in terms of cost and time to implement the same.