


随着时代的变化,旅游和酒店管理人员已经意识到,如果他们只是在价格的基础上竞争,他们会得到不稳定的市场和不平衡的利润。他们试图通过执行更好的合作关系来扩大与客户的业务来解决这个问题。Moskwa, Higgins-Desibolles and Gifford(2015)认为,企业与员工在伦理道德上的正确合作能够产生长期的利润。一些组织错误地认为利润和道德是成反比的。这在一定程度上是正确的,因为采用道德实践可以影响组织的盈利能力,但在长期利润方面却产生了积极的结果。此外,如果公司在道德价值观方面有声誉,它就会成为一种竞争优势。

代写作文 :酒店管理需要纳入道德价值观


代写作文 :酒店管理需要纳入道德价值观

With the changing times, tourism and hospitality managers have realized that they get erratic market and uneven profit if they compete only on the basis of price. They are trying to solve this problem by extending business with the customers by executing better partnerships. As suggested by Moskwa, Higgins-Desibolles and Gifford (2015), the businesses that work in ethically and morally correct way with their employees are able to generate long-term profits. Some organisations are under the miss-conception that profits and ethics are inversely proportional. This is partly true as adopting ethical practices can affect the organisation’s profitability but has given positive results when it comes to long term profits. Futhermore, if the company has a reputation in ethical values, it becomes a competitive advantage.

代写作文 :酒店管理需要纳入道德价值观

As the business in hospitality industry ranges from restaurant operations to tourism-based businesses, complex ethical issues are also raised and they affect the organisation. As already understood, customer satisfaction is of utmost importance in hospitality industry, the managers have to personally take both good and bad feedbacks. Thus, it is important to realize that the manager sometimes face a dilemma that what they think is ethically right may sometimes become a thing of controversy.