


根据2013年新西兰的世界互联网项目报告,新西兰越来越多的用户开始在网络上花时间,并将继续增加。 大多数人都是55岁这样的人,他们花在网上购买衣服的时间更少,而25-35岁的用户花费的时间更少。 因此,可以说,一开始,目标市场应该是25至45岁,因为这个年龄组沉迷于花更多时间在网上购物,吸引它们会更容易。




According to the world internet project report, New Zealand, 2013, more and more users in New Zealand have started to spend time over the web and it will continue to rise. Mostly those are of age group 55 that spend less time shopping for clothes over the web and lesser time is spent by the users belonging to 25-35 years of age . Therefore, it can be said that for a beginning, the target market should be 25 to 45 years of age as this age group indulges in spending more time for shopping over the web and attracting them will be easier.


billion dollars is the amount that New Zealanders spend on clothing shopping. When viewing monthly statistics, it becomes clear that 66 percent of New Zealand based shoppers make a purchase from global websites and this has been the trend in the past 3 months. In 2014, this was only around 61 percent. These people mostly are of the notion that retail sites in New Zealand do not offer the clothing designs that they are looking for and therefore, they have to order from overseas e-commerce platforms. Customers are only in the lookout for good quality clothes at best possible price. They have an eagerness for such clothing e-commerce platforms that can offer them options of seamless nature without limiting the variety of clothes offered.