



  雪佛蘭Bolt SBU需要在一個相對較新的市場中生存和發展。雖然有合理的產品意識的電動汽車,但主要買家的看法是模糊的。他們不太確定買一輛電動汽車會有多富有成效。Chevy Bolt的首要市場戰略是向客戶和潛在客戶提供有關汽車詳細特徵的全部信息,以及購買這些汽車所能獲得的好處。



  The proposed plan suggests three areas as areas of strategic decisions. The first is the integration of best and popular practices that includes TQM and JIT with the decision areas which are considered to be the traditional areas. The second approach to be adopted by Chevy Bolt, SBU should be a generic one linked to the strategy of manufacturing. The third one should include the recent works on capability and competence.

  Production strategies

  Marketing strategies

  The Chevy Bolt SBU needs to survive and prosper in a marketplace that is comparatively new. Although there is reasonable product awareness regarding the electric cars, the perception among the major auto buyers is ambiguous. They are not quite sure how fruitful it will be to buy an electric car. The first and foremost market strategy of Chevy Bolt is provide their customers and prospects with full information about the detailed features of the cars along with the benefits that they can accrue from buying it.

  The other strategies of Chevy Bolt are market segmentation, differentiation, and cost leadership. The cost leadership with respect to the Chevy Bolt must be pursued, especially in this globalized world, where competition emanating from domestic automobile manufacturers as well as the overseas competition from Europe and Japan. The Chevy Bolt is reasonably priced that should target middle income groups as well high end customers (Moore 2009). Cost leadership and differentiation with respect to the facilities, features and services will provide competitive advantage for GM Chevy.