


Website Disclaimer

At Assignment First, we commit to deliver only high quality services & products in a professional manner. Assignment First works closely with customers to ensure that we deliver your services & products as promised.

The quality of Assignment First’s contribution highlights our strategy, success and growth. It helps us build an impressive customer base and allows us to provide expert services and other kinds of work tailored to the specific needs of the customer.

We trust our customers to use our services responsibly and to use the services & products we provide for legitimate purposes. Assignment First does not endorse the use of our services & products to be passed off as your own and we refuse to transact with you again if this is suspected to be the case.

We would ask you to refer to your institution guidelines on how you should reference our services & products. We are unable to offer any advice on matters concerning your institution or its rules. We would also like to remind you that none of our services & products that we provide will ever be made available to anybody else as it has been especially tailor-made for you only. Assignment First respects the customer’s privacy and confidentiality: all information is held in the strictest confidentiality.