

  本篇essay代写-布法罗市的衰落讲了额外工厂50万美元的采购成本属于资本性质,因此,公司要求与折旧相同。假设新增工厂的使用年限为5年,则可分5次等额申领。本公司所发生的费用是用于购买机器的费用,不属于收入性质。这意味着它是对工厂的投资,因此是资本支出。资本支出不允许作为支出申报,可以作为折旧申报。本篇essay代写文章由新西兰第一论文 Assignment First辅导网整理,供大家参考阅读。

  Attempts in the past have been made through research for identifying the factors connected to abandonment of property. According to Hiller and Tomlin (2003), housing data within Buffalo was analysed and it was found that there are various factors. Rates of vacancies and higher city owned properties numbers were found to be the major reasons. Unaffordable housing has led towards vacant and abandoned properties (Glaeser and Gyourko, 2011). These have emerged as the Buffalo cities physical manifestation for economic deterioration. Even after the efforts of addressing the crisis in vacancy, change of structural nature has continued outpacing efforts for curing the ills in the city (Smith, 1996). Stagnation of economy and decline of population have been projected to remain into the foreseeable future of Buffalo and the property abandonment rate has outpaced even the processes of demolitions. Such conditions make urban decline a unique one in the city. The city also has institutions of social and economic nature which continue stagnating while showing some recovery signs.

  The city of Buffalo represents an essential shrinking city case in a region of consistent urban decline. The economy in the region has remained to be halted in a vacant and decayed property landscape. For such reasons, it is argued that Buffalo vacant and abandoned structures represent a new category termed as zombie properties. These vacancy types are different from other categories. Properties of discussed nature are a particular kind of structure abandonment (Goldman, 2011). They can be found within cities which are shrinking wherein the decline in demographics and economics make abandonment an urban milieu enduring fixture. These structures no more have significance in the newer urban growth but they still exist as shells without life. Various properties have been boarded up containing hazards to health. For example, lead and asbestos and have structure damage of extensive nature (Silverman et al, 2013). When considering to right-size, there is a requirement of removing these properties from the urban Buffalo landscape (Hess and Almeida, 2007). These properties are unaffordable and can easily be contrasted with transitional or regenerating regions with vacant properties. For example, TOADS was a term coined by Greenberg and West (1990), to depict temporary derelict sites obsolete abandonment within their vacant properties analysis in the cities of U.S. Several recommendations were produced by them to address the issue of TOADS in the cities. The shrinking cities growing literature has much germane ability to these regions. This literature body focuses over a growing cities subset within the U.S and confronting sustained deterioration elsewhere and the challenges related with downsizing and mass abandonment (Rappaport, 2013). Instances have been identified of shrinking cities in several places across US and it has been established that this process is a true global dilemma transcending several borders.

  Thus, it can be said that such properties have negative effects of spill-over which further influence the properties in neighbouring areas and when focused upon, whole communities and cities are also influenced by them (Muth, 2011). Property becomes unaffordable in the mean time when economic construct in the city is complete hampered.
