


由於這些移民的大規模入侵而出現的積極的接觸是生產力的全面增長。這一原則導致該國迅速工業化。跨大陸鐵路的建立導致了國家業務的進一步增長和發展(Waldinger 1081)。這個國家的經濟發展是由於移民人口。





Affirmative encounters that transpired owing to these large incursions of immigrants was the overall growth in productivity. This principal caused rapid industrialization in the country. The setting up of the trans continental railways lead to further growth and development of business in the nation (Waldinger 1081). Economy developed in the nation because of the immigrant population.
Indigenous cultural practices followed by the natives was replaced by the European culture owing to some of the anarchist practices of certain European settlers. Due to these factors religious practices in the society was largely Christian. There was a large number of Protestants in the nation when compared to the catholic population.
Racism is one the undesirable exchange and encounters that had taken place in America owing to immigration of European settlers. There was general European White superiority found in America. This has however changed in the recent times. Nevertheless the issue of racism prevailed through many centuries in America.
California Gold rush brought a lot of immigrants into the country. Some immigrant population such as Chinese people was willing to work for lesser remuneration. They helped in the industrial productivity and played a major role in the construction of transcontinental railways.
Some of the major diseases that had newly spread into the country owing to immigration were Yellow fever, Typhus and Small Pox. European settlers in the New Nation i.e. in America brought in diseases like diphtheria, influenza, measles, mumps, scarlet fever etc. Cholera was concentrated in the Asian countries however spread into United States. There was a rise in epidemic diseases that caused large-scale mortality and ramifications to the society. People started to worry about the contagious diseases and this lead to a lot of feelings of unrest by the people. In (Sowell 267) some situations like in 1892 New York proposed a quarantine plan for immigrants in order to contain the diseases. In 1983 Rayner-Harris National Quarantine Act was passed in order to make the immigrants take medical tests prior to becoming American Residents (Sowell 290).

essay評判 :歐洲因移民引發的問題分析


1882年,為了阻止中國移民定居美國,加州通過了《排華法案》(Holliday 32)。由於歐洲白人定居者的至上主義傾向,奴隸制和種族主義問題也在該國發生。這個國家的內戰本質上是為了給這個國家的非洲裔人民自由。墨西哥及其定居者也有問題。淘金熱是1914年美國墨西哥戰爭(Holliday 54)的原因之一。1917年的移民法要求人們具備基本的讀寫能力才能進入美國。當時美國有很多反移民的言論這主要是因為這個國家存在失業問題。1921年的《緊急配額法》是在迪林厄姆委員會的建議下通過的,目的是限制移民進入美國(Waldinger 1083)。在通過了一系列旨在限制移民進入該國的立法和改革之後,進入該國的非法移民數量有所上升。這些非法移民不是通過正當途徑進入這些國家的。相反,他們規避法律,非法進入這個國家。從那時起,非法移民問題就一直困擾著美國。

Political unrest in nation had occurred in different points in History owing to the impacts of the immigrant population. Initial European settlers took over the nation from Natives. This had caused some initial issues in the nation. Political unrest in the nation occurred when a number of Chinese settlers took the jobs of the European settlers. Anti Coolie Act
Was passed in California and Chinese Exclusion act was signed in 1882 in order to discourage Chinese settlers from settling in the nation (Holliday 32). Issues of slavery and racism have also befallen in the nation owing to Supremacist tendencies by the white European settlers. Civil war in the nation was essentially to give freedom to the African origin people in the country. There were also issues with Mexico and its settlers. Gold rush was one of the reasons for the American Mexico War in 1914 (Holliday 54). Immigration Act of 1917 required the people to have basic reading and writing skills to enter into the nation. There was a lot of anti immigration rhetoric in the nation during these times this was primarily because of unemployment existing in the nation. Emergency Quota Act of 1921 was passed following the recommendations of Dillingham Commission in order to curb immigration into the nation ( Waldinger 1083). Subsequent to passing a number of legislations and reforms to curb immigration into the country there has been a rise in Illegal Immigrants into the nation. These illegal immigrants come into the nations not through proper path. Instead they circumvent the law and enter into the nation illegally. This issue of illegal immigrants has been a problem for America ever since.