esssay代写-Japanese new writing style of architecture


esssay代写-Japanese new writing style of architecture。新陈代谢结构时期是日本历史上发展最快的时期之一。这段时间日本发生了一些变化。正是在这一时期,日本在太平洋战争中战败后,进入了经济复苏时期。在20世纪50年代,这个国家在第一次世界大战后正处于重建过程中。新陈代谢的概念在1970年左右首次出现。新陈代谢的结构在这个时期首次出现。这种建筑形式受到了西方风格的影响。在这种西方影响的帮助下,日本人试图重建日本,以适应人口的快速增长。

Arata Isozaki was another architect who designed the structures which were inspired from the west. The mega structures which had been designed by him appeared to be protective. There was the incorporation of the joint core system into the architectural plans implemented by him. An example was the “City in the Air” which was like an urban city having a large number of skyscrapers which consisted of several cylindrical shafts or joint cores which included several components which were smaller and interchangeable. These were also clustered with one another in the form of cylindrical towers.
Another architectural masterpiece influenced from the western styles was designed by Kisho Kurokawa’s Helix City. This was the floating city and was planned to be built over a large water body. It was for the very first time that the floating city had been designed in the world. The buildings were inspired from western architecture which consisted of spiral helixes and were connected with the help of a bridge system. These apartments were hung in such a manner that the horizontal bars were going along with the helixes up and down (Pernice, 2007).
The Nagakin Capsule tower was another structure which had the influence from the west. This structure consisted of the two concrete towers which intersected one another. To these towers, there were several other capsule rooms which were attached to these towers. These capsules not only had the ability to combine with different capsules but they were also detachable.
By 1970, Japan had established its image in the world map in terms of architecture. The Japan gained a great footage and value by this time which helped in the exchange of different ideas between the west and the Japan. The metabolist architectural form had also gained significant image in the entire world. Many other nations were also adopting the forms of architecture.
By this time it was Japan who had influenced the western architecture. An example of the same is the Western cartoons and comics. These have been inspired from the Metabolist architectures. These cartoons include Manga and Amine. Some of these features had been created during the times after the post war or the post-apocalyptic scenario. The situations depicted in these cartoons were similar to those in the metabolist architectural forms.

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