计算机论文代写 科学实验


马里奥Bunge写道:“科研人员预计将在科学方法的指导下,这降低了以下一系列步骤:知识之前,问题,解决候选人(假设,实验设计或技术),测试,评估候选人的最后审查的一个或另一个候选解决方案,考虑到程序,先验知识,甚至这一问题。“验证方案的一致性和真理,是测试他们通常被证明是唯一的近似。这个测试可以概念、经验或两者兼而有之。除了约定和数学公式是免除实证证据。也没有任何科学没有它们,或任何没有在搜索和使用模式(Associated Press,1984)。
Mario Bunge wrote “scientific researchers are expected to be guided by the scientific method, which reduces to the following sequence of steps: prior knowledge, problem, solution candidate (hypothesis, experimental design or technique), tested, evaluated candidate’s final review of one or another candidate for the solution, considering the procedure, prior knowledge and even the problem.” Verification of the proposals is to test them for consistency and truth, which often proves to be only approximate. This test can be conceptual, empirical or both. Nothing except the conventions and mathematical formulas is considered exempt from the empirical evidence. Nor is there any science without them, or any who are absent in the search and usage patterns (Associated Press, 1984).
