






The author places two main arguments. In the first argument, the author makes use of the pictorial representations of the Canadian landscape that the Photography Division had undertaken. The author’s argument is that it serves to promote natural resources. This leads to a form of exploitation by the Government. This is an argument based on economics. It could be said that here land and natural reserves are not actually being protected by the use of such images as in “How shall we use these gifts”, but they are more of being protected for use in industries with a set agenda. The picture which someone would probably argue as presenting the truth is actually being used to push an economic agenda.


Secondly, the author argues that landscape devices that are used in relation to the aboriginal people of the land is only used to reinforce an existing paternalistic notion. Nothing more was achieved with the images. With much people making use of the images in the Division, it could be said that the Division was working as the country’s image bank and a portrait of Canada was being created that was mostly government propagated and approved.