

少数民族认为,由于少数民族手中没有既定的权力,媒体在社会上创造了形象。这反过来又迫使少数民族以团体的形式为自己的事业而奋斗。媒体在主题的选择、观点的表达和公众形象的影响等方面具有强大的力量。这是因为媒体已经创建了自己的一套信息共享工具,如报纸、杂志、广播电台和电视台来创建形象。此外,媒体也参与了与少数民族交流的电影制作。少数群体充分意识到大众媒体对他们生活的影响,并一直在努力增加他们在媒体内容方面的分配。然而,结果令人失望,胜利和成功之间的距离很远,很少。少数民族意识到媒体在社会中的影响力和影响力越来越大(Kinsky, E。史密斯,D。,2013)。这些人决心通过媒体扩大他们的影响力,因为他们在多民族社区的存在越来越多。Minority people believe that media creates image in the society due to absence of vested power in hands of minority. This in turn has forced minority to operate for themselves as groups and fight for their own cause. Media has power in terms of selection of themes, expression of views and influence public image. This is due to the fact that media has created own set of information sharing tools like newspapers, magazines, radio and television stations for creation of image. More, media has been involved in film making for communicating with minority people. Minorities are fully aware of mass media influence on their lives and have been trying their best to increase their allocation in media content. However, results have been disappointing, victories and successes are far and few in between. Ethnic minorities are aware of increasing media power and impression in the society (Kinsky, E., Smith, D., 2013). These groups of people are determined to expand their influence through media due to increasing presence in multiethnic community.

简历怎么写 :媒体对少数民族行为的影响

媒体影响着少数民族的行为、态度和思维过程。虽然少数民族人口很少,但他们与不同种族的人交流。来自不同种族的人之间的交流是有限的,因为人们在相互交流时感到犹豫和不舒服。此外,不同的观点和想法导致冲突和沟通变得困难,属于不同的种族群体。媒体通过出版来引起人们对种族问题的关注。少数民族明白媒体可以塑造和改变人们的观点和看法。因此,少数民族希望媒体通过报道来解决种族问题。媒体描绘了生活在严厉批评和面对来自多数群体剥削的少数群体的真实画面(Kromkowski, J。,2012)。媒体可以利用其影响力,甚至引导社会在不同种族之间建立和平与伤害。少数民族被大多数人视为低人一等和受到虐待。这伤害了他们的情感和感受,他们想要与他人平等对待,享受平等的权利。媒体在少数民族教育中发挥了重要作用。虽然媒体在过去已经采取了很多进步的措施,但少数民族的社会地位仍有很大的提高空间(Makgosa, R。,2012)。Media affects minorities behavior, attitude and influence their thought process. Though minorities live in small number, they communicate with people belonging to different races. Interaction among people from different races is limited as people feel hesitant and uncomfortable to communicate with each other. Moreover, differences in opinions and ideas lead to conflicts and communication becomes difficult among people belonging to different racial groups. Media seeks attention of population fraternity on racial issues though publication. Minorities understand that media can give shape and transform views and opinions of population. Thus, ethnic minorities want media to address racial issues through reporting. Media portraits the true picture of minority who lives under severe criticism and face exploitation from majority groups (Kromkowski, J., 2012). Media can use its influential power and even guide the society towards establishment of peace and harming among people belonging to different races. Ethnic minorities are viewed as inferior and ill-treated by majority group. This hurts their emotions and feelings and they want to be treated at par with other people and enjoy equal rights. Media has played a significant role in upbringing of minority people. Though a lot of progressive measures have been taken by media in the past, there is ample scope for improving social status of minority people (Makgosa, R., 2012).
