


上面的图表显示座位之间的动态关系和什么价格出售。同样的座位都卖什么价格价格增加或减少。我们看到的最大限制的座位可以卖15天内是300年和250年实际销售84%的预测价值。这红线表明摊位的价格会增加在过去的5天迅速增加数量的席位。黑线显示的总销售圆和席位价格几乎保持不变。圆座位都满低于失速席位,但所产生的收入循环席位超过失速座位在最后15 daysThe下面显示盈利图展示了关于圆的相对利润率席位和失速座位总利润率。这表明最初的第一个1天个人和总利润低于预期,但从第二天到第七天的利润率高但在第七天,利润率会下降,因为少数量的席位的可用性。红色区域显示了失速利润累积和蓝色区域显示了圆利润预测的累积过去15天。销售和盈利能力图显示,过去15天总销售额和总利润是比较好的。

The above informative charts show the dynamic relationship between the seats sold and with what price. Also the kinds of seats were sold on what day with increase in price or decrease in price. We see that the maximum limits of seats that can be sold within 15 days are 300 and the actual selling is 250 which are 84 percent to the forecasted value. Here the red line indicates that the stall price goes increasing for the last 5 days rapidly with increase in number of seats as well. The black line shows the total sold seats in circle and the price almost remains constant. Circle seats were less filled than the stall seats but the revenue generated by circle seats was more than the stall seats in last 15 daysThe below shown profitability graph illustrates about the relative profit margin of circle seats and stall seats with the total profit margin. This indicates that the initially on the first 1 day the individual and total profit was less than expectation but from the second day to the seventh day the profit margin was high but after seventh day the profit margin goes decreased because of less number of seats availability. The red area shows the stall profit as cumulative and blue area shows the circle profit as cumulative for the last 15 days of forecasting.Both the sales and profitability graph shows that the last 15 days total sales and total profit was comparatively good.