
在2011财政年度,Nordstrom的薪酬增长了8.1%,今年迄今通过2011年6月rose7%比较。我们注意到薪酬指标反映了力量在Nordstrom全线汽车商店,今年迄今的comp + 8.1%,兑+ 2.8架的位置。。我们不能否认Plc。只是一个多公司卖衣服。下一个Plc。显然是世界上为数不多的公司,很难与客户建立真诚的关系。客户忠诚度是下一个最强大的竞争优势。客户忠诚度是下一个最强大的竞争优势。(约翰Struat轧机,2011)的能力提供一个包批发和零售金融服务是一个重要的竞争优势。下一个Plc。采用即时库存系统来改善生产流程,这也有助于减少成本。下一个Plc是奢侈品销售公司。的衣服的价格都是非常高,是不可能的一个中产阶级的人买衣服行从明年。质量管理,与同行相比,下一个Plc。仍然不能达到效率管理其产品的质量。未来成为独家百货商店零售商2010年秋天,丽诗加邦和克莱本品牌,它取代了利兹& co .)和概念由克莱本线以前在下个商店出售。这些品牌赢家已经有两家公司。(库珀,2008)接下来还利用独家品牌构建其基础的当代customers-women 35岁以下。这些包括我“心”荣森,妇女运动逐夏洛特荣森,艾伦。妇女的运动服装和服饰的集合,艾伦·b·施瓦茨;西班牙芒果,芒果,一组妇女的职业和休闲女性的运动服装,手袋,配饰,鞋类,代表未来的快时尚的尝试。这些品牌也为该公司提供潜在的设置(而不是跟随)时尚潮流。

In fiscal 2011, Nordstrom’s comp increased 8.1%, and year-to-date comps through June 2011 rose7%. We note the comp metric reflects strength at Nordstrom full-line stores, where the year-to-date comp was +8.1%, versus the +2.8 at Rack locations. . We cannot deny that NEXT Plc. is just more than a firm which sells clothes. NEXT Plc. is clearly one of the few companies in the world that works harder to build genuine relationships with their customers. Customer loyalty is NEXT’s strongest competitive advantage. Customer loyalty is NEXT’s strongest competitive advantage. (John Struat Mill, 2011)The ability to offer a package of wholesale and retail financial services is a significant competitive advantage. NEXT Plc. employs just in time inventory system to improve the manufacturing process and this also helps to reduce the costs. NEXT Plc is a luxury selling firm. The clothes are priced very highly and it is not possible for a middle class person to buy a clothing line from NEXT. Quality Management; compared to its counterparts, NEXT Plc. still could not achieve efficiency in managing the quality of its products. NEXT became the exclusive department store retailer in the fall of 2010 of the Liz Claiborne and Claiborne brands, which replaced the Liz & Co. and Concepts by Claiborne lines formerly sold in NEXT stores. These brands have been a winner for both companies. (Cooper, 2008) NEXT has also been leveraging exclusive brands to build its base of contemporary customers—women under 35. These include I “Heart” Ronson, a women’s sportswear line by Charlotte Ronson; ALLEN B., a women’s sportswear and dress collection by Allen B. Schwartz; and MNG by Mango, a collection of women’s career and casual women’s sportswear, handbags, accessories, and footwear, that represent NEXT’s attempts at fast fashion. These brands also provide the company with the potential to set (rather than follow) fashion trends.
