

  本篇論文代筆價錢-ES品牌及營銷組合講了ES是一家擁有強大品牌形象的公司。由於其高級時裝系列,它目前被認爲是排他性的象徵。然而,這是在產品生命週期的最後階段,有飽和的風險。這個品牌的平價產品最近投放市場。公司應該想辦法擴大業務。授權、旗艦店、第三方分銷商和合作夥伴是公司目前的進入方式。每種操作都有其侷限性和優點。公司應該根據情況的主觀屬性,找到可行的方法,開發營銷組合。這些在本分析中進行了更詳細的討論。本篇論文代筆價錢文章由新西蘭第一論文 Assignment First輔導網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

  Recommendation for ES and Marketing mix

  The ES brand had been able to sustain in the markets owing to its unique brand image.

  They should ensure that any marketing efforts and the current operation procedures must not dilute the existing brand image.

  They should focus on maintaining the exclusivity of the brand. The current strategy of expansion of licensing, partnership and 3rd party distribution should be the first line of increasing the target consumer base. This would help the company to initially gain the return of investments (Kotler et al., 2015). The company should overcome the cultural barriers and gain more understanding of the local consumer needs of the products. The company should ensure that the people understand the new product range.

  The issue is the loss of control that the company should address. The strategic partners and alliances must agree to not dilute the brand image. They should be in a position to help the brand name and maintain its exclusive image. The company should then focus on other ways of expansion. The company in order to enter into the newer markets should focus on these strategies and develop flagship stores based on the market needs of the product.

  Marketing mix is based on product, price, place and promotion. The product range should be the Haute Couture line for the HNWI individuals in the society. The company should set the price that would enable them to gain maximum return of investments. The company should use TV, Website and social media to promote the products. The place to sell the products should be through the licensing and partnership channels. Besides, the company should not lose its symbolization of exclusivity in the process. These are the imperative factors that the company should consider while developing the product mix.

  Summary of findings

  ES is a company that has sustained owing to the strong brand image. It is currently considered to be a symbol of exclusivity owing to its Haute couture lines. This however is in the last stage of the product life cycle and at the risk of saturation. Affordable products of this brand are recently launched into the markets. The company should look for ways to expand its operations. Licensing, flagship stores, 3rd party distributors and partnerships are the current mode of entry of the company. There are limitations and advantages in each of the operations. The company should find feasible ways and develop marketing mix based on the subjective nature of the situation. These were discussed in more detail in this analysis.
