

  本篇論文代筆-新西蘭國家宏觀環境講了通過PESTLE分析,可以看出新西蘭有很多適合其生長的變量。首先,在政治和法律變量方面,國家有穩定的政治領導,這是有良好的法律制度支持的。該國法律和秩序狀況的積極前景也使該國被視爲是開始其商業機會的適當地方。它還確保遊客也把該國視爲一個適當的旅遊目的地。開展貿易的自由度很高,做生意的便利性也很高。本篇論文代筆文章由新西蘭第一論文 Assignment First輔導網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

  The country has a stable macro environment. Using the PESTLE analysis, it can be suggested that New Zealand enjoys a number of variables which are suitable for its growth. Firstly, in terms of political and legal variable, the country has stable political leadership which is backed by well-functioning legal system. The positive outlook of the law and order situation in the country also allows the country to be seen as a suitable place to start its business opportunities. It also ensures that the tourists also view the country as a proper destination for visit. There is freedom to start trade and ease of doing business is very high (Dalziel & Saunders, 2014).

  Secondly, economic variable of the country is quite high in terms of size of the economy relative to the low size of population that the country has. It has been growing significantly on the basis of its abilities to clearly target the overall potential and creating a network of key economic infrastructure investment. The well-functioning economy has viable and growing basic industries like steel, iron, etc which allows the nation to continue to have growth opportunities of its economy (Kelsey, 2011).

  Thirdly, in terms of the social and cultural factors, it has been seen that the country has refined international quality culture while also managing to keep its connection with the traditional roots. This kind of option appeals to the international travellers who want the modern comforts. But they also like experiencing the traditional cultural past of the country (Kelsey, 2000).

  Fourthly, the country has access to the best of technological prowess in areas like education, medical facilities, management skills, etc. This means that the nation is suitably armed to continue making progress while emerging as a suitable place for visit and doing business (Kelsey, 2000).

  Lastly, in terms of the environmental factors it can be said that New Zealand has a diverse environmental backgrounds. This means that country has the potential to provide lot of opportunities for businesses to develop. Its rich diversity of environmental factors is an added charm for the tourists (Kochhar, 2000).
