

  本篇論文代筆-葡萄酒市場分析講了由於市場上人們的趨勢、選擇和偏好的變化,葡萄酒市場受到了影響。隨着時代的變遷,人們對飲料的選擇和偏好也在發生變化(Manrai, 2017)。新一代的口味和偏好發生了變化,因爲他們更喜歡喝軟飲料而不是酒精飲料,這就減少了對葡萄酒的需求。許多公司開始進入飲料市場是因爲軟飲料而不是任何含酒精飲料的需求增加。雀巢、皮爾斯伯裏和西格拉姆是潛在的競爭對手,他們影響了葡萄酒市場,也影響了葡萄酒在市場上的銷售。本篇論文代筆文章由新西蘭第一論文 Assignment First輔導網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

  Analysis of the wine market

  Wine market was getting affected due to change in trend, choice and preferences of the people available in the market. Generation was changing and so the choice and preferences related to the beverages were changing (Manrai, 2017). Taste and preferences of the new generation got changed as they were preferring to have soft drink rather than alcoholic drinks due to which demand of wine got reduced. Many of the companies started entering into the beverages market due to increase in the demand of soft drinks rather than any alcoholic drinks. Nestle, Pillsbury and Seagram are some of the potential competitors which affected the market of wine and have affected the sale of the same in the market.

  The global demand pattern was changing due to which the demand of wine in the market was getting affected. It was analyzed that in France, sale of wine started declining and the downward trend continued into the 21st century. Between 2000 and 2012 consumption of wine declined in many of the countries like in France it declined by 12%, in Italy by 27%, and in Spain it declined by 34% (Hollensen, 2017).

  The boom in various other countries was seen which included the UK, US, and China. In the UK, the demand increased by 29%, in the US, the same increased by 37% and in China, an impressive growth was seen as the demand for wine increased by 67% which is really an impressive figure.

  Hence, it could be analysed that changing trend was affecting the demand in the countries in which the industry was flourishing but on the same page, it was also noticed that demand in various other countries was increasing at the increasing rate. Due to this many of the countries started manufacturing wine at the domestic level which was increasing competition to the existing companies dealing at global level (Gillespie and Hennessey, 2016). This new trend of manufacturing in the domestic market was causing a huge loss to the wine businesses dealing in the global market.
