

  本篇論文代寫-5個人格標準講了在這種情況下,人格標準可以通過滿足這五個條件來實現。它是意識,推理,自我激勵活動,溝通能力,自我意識。意識是指感受痛苦的能力,而推理是指個人解決問題的能力。自我激勵活動是一種似乎是相對獨立的由自我驅動的活動。通信能力是使用許多可能的爭用進行通信的手段(Luker 53)。自我概念或自我意識的存在是個體理解自我概念或對自我有更深刻理解的能力。本篇論文代寫文章由新西蘭第一論文 Assignment First輔導網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

  Mary Ann Warren 5 criteria of personhood

  In this the criteria of personhood can be fulfilled by fulfilling these five conditions. It is consciousness, reasoning, self-motivated activity, capacity to communicate, having an awareness of the self.

  Consciousness refers to the capacity to feel pain, and reasoning is the capacity of the individuals to solve problems. Self-motivated activity is an activity which can seem to be relatively independent activity driven by the self. Capacity to communicate is the means to communicate by using a number of possible contention (Luker 53). Presence of self-concepts or self-awareness is the ability of the individuals to understand the notions of their self or have greater understanding of the self.

  By applying these notions, it can be contended that the fetus is not yet a person but the women is in this situation. This has been used by the pro choice groups to bolster their argument.


  In the case of Purvi Patel, she was charged with feticide for inducing abortion and causing the death of her unborn child. She had options, yet she chose a way that was detrimental to all the people involved in the situation. By applying Utilitarianism principle in this case, there was no greater good for the people involved. Notion of abortion is dependent on the specific circumstance of the case. The case of Purvi Patel does not prove to be beneficial to anyone involved in the process. Applying the Kantian deontology of justice, this act is condemned. There is no real way she can justify herself for indulging in such an act if it is proven that she had indeed induced abortion for her unborn child. Applying Mary Ann Warren case, it can be construed that the fetus is not a person yet. This case has once again stirred the issues of abortions in society. There should be a better policy and a consensus developed to ensure that there is a solution for the notion of abortion. Kantian theory does not bring into light the fact of the mother’s situation ((Luker 34). There could be exigent circumstances that forced the women to indulge in abortion. Hence, the notions of duty and responsibility of the classical theory proposed by Kant cannot be applied in this situation. Mary Warren 5 criteria states that the woman is a person and her feelings and sentiments should be factored. Utilitarianism theory focuses on the outcome. Individual women with their doctors can predict the outcome of a situation and can base their decisions of these facts.

  Subsequent to these applications, it can be said that the pro choice stand seems to fit the requirements of the situation more than pro life. The circumstances of the mother, health of the mother, health of the child and the other factors are not considered by the pro choice groups. They focus on the duty and the obligatory morality. This rigidity cannot be used in an ethical situation such as abortion. In some cases, the health of the child could be affected and by being born, the child can endure more pain than in abortion or the health of the mother can be an issue. This is the reason for citing with a pro choice stand has been taken. This seems to be a more permissible moral stand.
