
  本篇論文代寫-殘疾人就業服務講了澳大利亞政府還在勞工部的控制下提供援助,殘疾人就業服務。殘疾人通過DES獲得服務並找到工作(Graffam et al., 2002)。該署已由2013年9月18日起,把公共服務電子化計劃移交社會福利署。DES的活動包括兩個領域,即殘疾管理服務和殘疾就業服務。殘疾管理服務爲殘疾人士求職提供幫助。本篇論文代寫文章由新西蘭第一論文 Assignment First輔導網整理,供大家參考閱讀。


  Australian Government also provides assistance under the control of Department of Employment, Disability Employment Services. The people with disability access the services and find work through the DES (Graffam et al., 2002). The DES services transferred to Department of Social Services with effect from 18th September 2013. The activities of DES consist of two areas i.e. Disability Management Service and Disability Employment Service. Disability Management Service provides assistance to find the job to the people with disability who seek the employment (Australian Public Service Disability Employment Strategy, 2016). On the other hand, Employment Support Service provides in the shape of regular and ongoing support to keep the job to the disabled persons. A website also developed namely JobAccess and it is national resource of workplace and people with disability can access the employment information. The interested stakeholders of the JobAccess are employers, service providers, Australian Government and persons with disability. All the stakeholders use the information of JobAccess and act accordingly. Telephonic information and advice on disability employment related matters provided wherever needed (Australian Public Service Disability Employment Strategy, 2016).

  A rating system also developed by Disability Employment Service and the persons with disability able to select the employer based on the rating (Australian Public Service Disability Employment Strategy, 2016). The rating system will be one to five stars where one will be the lowest and five will be the highest. The Star Rating published every six months and these will also be available with web site of Australian JobSearch Website.

  Another Coordinate system developed by Government of Australia namely National Disability Recruitment Coordinator who will work with the employers so that the employer members support and employ the personnel with disability. Out of other, the role of the Coordinator is developing a Memorandum of Understanding, which will be written commitment of employer in order to increase more recruitment with disabled people (Australian Government Employment of Law, 2016). Job vacancies creation, promotion of Australian’s government assistance, and facilitation of linkages are some of main activities of National Disability Recruitment Coordinator.

