


有幾個關鍵的風險驅動因素。這些包括技術、環境、社會發展國家的發展以及它們之間的相互依賴。風險的其他驅動因素包括業務環境的變化,如責任問題、監管性質的制度演變、利益相關者的期望以及風險感知的轉變(Dorfman et al., 2012)。不管原因是什麽,了解未來等待的風險是至關重要的。只有通過感知風險並將其理想化,才能做到這一點。本文的寫作目的在於探討風險感知與新風險保險之間的關系。這種關系是通過幾個例子和學術評論後的討論確定的。

論文代寫 :風險管理的驅動因素和保險

風險管理和保險是必不可少的。其本質在於將風險的主要因素理想化,這些因素可以轉化為各種行業和組織的機會和成功。對於任何環境,本文同樣明顯地需要一小時的時間來理解基於未來的新興風險,從而獲得對它們的保險。感知這些風險是很重要的,因此可以說風險感知與承保新興風險之間存在關系(Jorion, 2010)。本文的結論是,這種關系本質上是直接的,但透明度較低。這是因為,正如論文中所述,企業有時無法察覺到正在出現的風險,而只能察覺到當前所面臨的風險。因此,他們讓自己為過去所面臨的風險做好準備(McNeil et al., 2015)。然而,從本文的討論中可以明顯看出,如果沒有足夠的關註風險感知,新興的風險保險將會有很大的問題。

論文代寫 :風險管理的驅動因素和保險

There are several key drivers of risk. These include technology, environment, and developments of socio-development nation along with the interdependence present within them. Other drivers of risk are inclusive of changing environment of business such as issues of liability, evolving regimes of regulatory nature, and expectations of the stakeholders as well as the risk perception shift (Dorfman et al., 2012). No matter what might be the reason, it becomes essential to understand the risks waiting in the future. This can be done only by idealizing risk by perceiving it. This paper has been prepared in order to focus over the way in which risk perception and insurance of emerging risk is related. The relationship has been determined through a discussion that follows several examples and academic reviews.

論文代寫 :風險管理的驅動因素和保險

Risk management and insurance is essential. The essence lies in idealizing the main factors of risk that can be converted into opportunities and success for diverse industries and organizations. For any environment, the need of the hour as evident in this paper is to understand future based emerging risks so as to gain insurance over them. Perceiving these risks is important, and therefore, it can be said that there is a relationship between risk perception and insuring emerging risks (Jorion, 2010). This paper concludes that the relationship is direct in nature but with less transparency. This is because, as evident in the paper, companies at times are not able to perceive emerging risks rather they perceive the risks currently faced by them. Hence they make themselves ready for the risks that they faced in the past (McNeil et al., 2015). However, from the discussion in this paper, it becomes evident that without considerable focus risk perception fails making emerging risk insurance to be much problematic.