

  本篇論文代寫-海平面上升的地理影響講了根據地質調查,新月灘的海岸線發生了變化。根據緬因州地質調查局(Maine Geological survey, 1968)獲得的數據,每年變化約0.6米。新月形海灘中部的侵蝕程度最高。此外,亦觀察到行人路和行人路被損毀和遺失。本篇論文代寫文章由新西蘭第一論文 Assignment First輔導網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

  In order to stabilize the beach, a lot of money has to be spend on the processes such as the nourishing of the sand to replace the eroded sand or to increase in case of a storm. Under these conditions, there will be a rise in the nourishment requirements which may also lead to the increase in the water levels. By adding sand, there may be a chance that the loss may be kept in pace but it will include a huge economic loss (Douglas and Bruce 1991, 6981).

  Another economic loss will in the form of business. Because of the sea, there are a number of business in this area. Due to the increase in sea level, these businesses will also be impacted. Economic development can be done in this area by adaptation to the climate change in a proper manner and by adhering for the mitigation of economic loss (Nichollas et al. 2010).

  The rise in sea level will be effecting a large number of activities as will. Many recreational activities such as boating, birding, walking and fishing will be impacted. In addition to this, there will be an impact on the economic activities such as retention of a number of nutrients, flood control, protection of the shoreline, recharge of groundwater, stabilization of the climate, and control on erosion (Cynan et al. 2009). Further, the tourism industry will also be impacted (Blum et al. 2009, 488). The tourism and the real estate are important source of earnings in Crescent beach which may be impacted as they will be washed away because of the same.

  Also there are many other economic effects such as the disruption of many sources of foods, impact on agriculture, abandonment of fisheries and shortage in the quantity of staple food. In addition to this, there are also issues related to the food security and fresh water security (Nicholls et al. 2007, 628).
