

本篇文章主要講廣告的社會塑造,在不久的將來,廣告的社會塑造將在美國展開。無論是市場、媒體、文化、公民社會還是政治,事物都會適應廣告活動的需要。這些組織的目標將以在廣告的幫助下進行的促銷活動為基礎。公司將進一步增加促銷預算,有一段時間,大量的錢將浪費在促銷活動。據觀察,2008年美國總統候選人的總開支約為59.8億美元。本篇論文代寫價格文章由新西蘭第一論文Assignment First輔導網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

In the near future a social shaping of advertisement in USA is expected. Be it the market, media, culture, civil society or politics, things will adapt to the need of advertisement activities. The objective of the organizations will be based upon the promotions which will be done with the help of the advertisements. The companies will be further increasing their promotional budgets and there will be a time when a large amount of money of the consumers will be wasted in promotional activities. It has been observed in 2008 that the combined expenditure for the US Presidential candidates was around $5.98 billion.
Advertisement will also have an impact on the organizational and strategy and the decision making process. The producers of the mass cultures will get attracted towards the mainstream in the future. The companies will also repeat the similar formulas in order to earn more and more success.
Another method by which advertisement will be done is through using the multiple media sources. The movies will be advertised through the television series, the computer based game, a theme park ride, a fanzine and a game.
From the present run of advertisements, it can be assumed that the companies will continue to invest more and more on branding. Be it the simple clothing or an electrical product, everything will continue to have the brand. It is observed that the branded products are sold in much large numbers in comparison to the non-branded products.
The promotional development will also prove to be negative as it will lead to the higher risks towards the development of the new product. The companies will rely on the development of the similar product which is popular. Failure in innovation may be expected as the success of the product will rely on the advertisements and not on any other factor. The companies will focus on copying the product of other companies and branding the same, instead of developing the new products. There will be lack of innovative developments.
Because of the change in the promotional tactics in the coming future, change in advertisement process will be observed in the future (Deuze, 2016). A giant shift in the product lines will force the organizations will have to further change their structures, decision making and budgets.
It is ascertain that, the companies of USA will focus on the interactive advertisement with the help of the multiple technologies. Several new customizations in advertising process can be observed. A complete integration between the TV channels and the websites of the advertisers will be there.
