

  本篇論文代寫價格-合同法講了當合同當事人不履行合同義務時,責任就產生了。條款最初提出並得到有關各方的同意。這是任何合同的報價和接受條款。根據項目的要求,合同最初是在合同前階段制定的。然而,每一方都有一定的注意義務需要被調查(Bagley, 2015)。負債和每個合同條款的實際含義是由合同類型和合同中明確定義的結算條款來確定的。本篇論文代寫價格文章由新西蘭第一論文 Assignment First輔導網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

  Potential dispute and Liability of each party

  Liabilities arise when the parties in the contract fail to meet obligations of contract. Terms are initially offered and the concerned parties agree them. This is the offer and acceptance clause of any contract. Based on the requirements of the project contracts are initially drawn in the pre contractual phase. Nevertheless, each party has a certain duty of care that needs to be investigated (Bagley, 2015). Liabilities and the actual implications of each contractual term are determined from the type of contract and settlement terms that has been explicitly defined in the contracts. In some cases, implied terms of the contract and intent of the parties while drawing the contract are also investigated. However, in spite of the best efforts conflicts and liability occurs during the functioning of some contracts (Bagley, 2015). This is owing to the misrepresentation of one party in the contract. This falsification of information can lead to the contract becoming void.

  Misrepresentation of information or falsification of information can make contracts void. Agreement mistakes are another common clause that can lead to contracts becoming void. This could arise due to mistakes that were not seen during the pre contractual phase. These mistaken agreements in the contracts are made void based on the mutual agreement of the concerned people. In some cases, certain contract is signed from duress or coercion. Exact intent and consideration of the people involved in the contract needs to be determined on a case by cases. From investigation, if the parties had signed under coercion or extreme duress, the contracts become void.

  In many cases, the final deliverable will not be according to requirements. This would lead to potential conflict.
